书名 | 《八阵合变图说(据序题_同函脊题)BaZhenHeBianTuShuo(Thetitleisfromtheprefaceandthesameonthebackboneofthecase.)》 |
正题名 | 八陣合變圖說(據序題_同函脊題)BaZhenHeBianTuShuo(Thetitleisfromtheprefaceandthesameonthebackboneofthecase.) |
拼音题名 | Ba zhen ge bian tu shui (ju xu ti ,tong han ji ti )Ba Zhen He Bian Tu Shuo (The title is from the preface and the same on the backbone of the case.) |
作者姓名 | 龙正撰 |
版本 | 明钞本。Ming Manuscript. |
版本行款 | 十行二十四字Ten lines; twenty-four words in each line |
附注项 | 全书首列总阵,变阵,阵队名数,人员器械等目录;次述八阵图总说,分说,变例;再绘各种阵图。朱墨批注,抄写于无栏格,淡边匡之黄纸上。卷内多处朱墨笔眉批圈点,并附朱笔《识语》一叶、墨笔《识语》二叶,疑眉批和圈点亦其所为。其批注内容颇有价值,如原书所列各阵图仅有图而无说明,眉批者均加以解释,并在图中加补队形,注明方位,八阵均有此类说明。眉批者还就某些问题提出自己看法。 This book consists of military deployment including catagories of names of banners, troops, implements of warfare. There are plenty of head notes and punctuations written in black and red ink in the text. One page of explanatory notes in red ink and two pages of explanatory notes in black ink are also attached thereto. The head notes and punctuations and the explanatory notes are probably from the same person. The comments contained herein are of high value. For instances, the book contains charts for tactical deployment of troops without textual explanations. The head notes give specific explanations to these charts. New formations were also added to these charts with positions marked out. All the eight types of tactical deployment of troops have such explanations. The one who gave these notes also had his own points of view stated herein. |
数量 | 一册一函One book in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 9.4MB |
总页数 | 53 |