书名 | 《白鹿洞书院新志bailudongshuyuanxinzhi》 |
正题名 | 白鹿洞書院新志bailudongshuyuanxinzhi |
拼音题名 | Bai lu dong shu yuan xin zhi bai lu dong shu yuan xin zhi |
作者姓名 | 李梦阳撰 |
版本 | 明嘉靖间刻本。Ming Woodblock print in 1522-1566 A.D. . |
版本行款 | 八行十八字Eight lines, eighteen Chinese characters. |
附注项 | 正德六年,李梦阳为江西提学副使,诣书院,因纂是志,而田租等缺焉;次年再临试,例造图籍补入,改称“新志”。按是书于梦阳后,由提学副使周广及以后人所递渐增修而成,其时已至嘉靖二十年以后矣。This book was written in 1510 A.D. by Li Mengyang when he was associate official in charge of education in Jiangxi Province. During that period he visited the Bailudong Shuyuan and wrote down this book with insufficient budget. However, this section was amended in the next year when he paid another visit there and this book was revised as ”Xinzhi”. After Mengyang, this book has been enriched and added by Zhou Guang, the successor of Mengyang, and other later scholars till the year of 1541 A.D. |
数量 | 六册一函six volumes in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 45.6MB |
总页数 | 225 |

