《长生殿传奇ChangShengDianChuanQi》(長生殿傳奇ChangShengDianChuanQi)清洪升填词QingHong Sheng-清康熙间刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in the period of Kangxi Emperor.PDF


书名 《长生殿传奇ChangShengDianChuanQi》
正题名 長生殿傳奇ChangShengDianChuanQi
拼音题名 Chang sheng dian chuan ji Chang Sheng Dian Chuan Qi
作者姓名 洪升填词
版本 清康熙间刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in the period of Kangxi Emperor.
版本行款 版匡分上下栏:下栏十行二十字,小字单行字同;上栏小字双行,半行七字。The printing area is divided into upper and lower forms: the lowers form is of ten lines with twenty words in each line, as to small-size characters, they are written in single line with the same number of words as the normal ones; the upper form contains small-size characters in double lines with seven words in each line.
附注项 洪升《自序》云其览白居易《长恨歌》及元人《秋雨梧桐》剧,乃借唐玄宗、杨玉环故事而成此剧。凡史家秽语,槩削不书。 It is said in the author’s preface that he has read Chang Hen Ge written by Bai Juyi and the drama of Qiu Yu Wu Tong of Yuan dynasty, and therefore he composed this book basing on the love story of Emperor Xuanzong and Lady Yang Yuhuan. Some indelicate characters of history were not seen in this book.
数量 四册一函Four books in one case.
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 35.9MB
总页数 208





