《陈眉公先生批点昆仑奴chengmeigongxianshengpidiankunlunnu》(陳眉公先生批點昆侖奴chengmeigongxianshengpidiankunlunnu)明梅鼎祚编MingMei Dingzuo-明万历四十三年(1615)序刊本_一卷。Ming Woodblock print in 1615 A.D. in one volume.PDF


书名 《陈眉公先生批点昆仑奴chengmeigongxianshengpidiankunlunnu》
正题名 陳眉公先生批點昆侖奴chengmeigongxianshengpidiankunlunnu
拼音题名 Chen mei gong xian sheng pi dian kun lun nu cheng mei gong xian sheng pi dian kun lun nu
作者姓名 梅鼎祚编
版本 明万历四十三年(1615)序刊本,一卷。Ming Woodblock print in 1615 A.D. in one volume.
版本行款 版匡分上下二栏:下栏九行二十四字,小字双行字同,上栏小字双行四字。two columns. nine lines twenty-four Chinese characters on lower column; double lines and four Chinese characters in small size on upper column.
附注项 杂剧《昆仑奴》,此本并非孤本,陈眉公评本凡八种,然而本馆收藏之四种中,即有两种是溢出于八种之外的,《昆仑奴》即其一。陈眉公评本每部皆有插图,每幅插图皆以两半页拼成一图,这在明刻本中较少见。 This book – poetic drama “kun lun nu” – is not the only copy. There are eight versions of the poetic drama “kun lun nu” criticized by Chen Meigong on circulation. Comparing the four versions of poetic drama “kun lun nu” preserved at Library of Congress with the eight circulating versions, we found that two of them are not seen in these eight versions. One of them is this book commented by Chen Meigong with illustration combined by two half pages and the technique of illustration is very rare to see in Ming Woodblock print.
数量 一册一函one volume in one case.
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 5.6MB
总页数 33





