《道古堂集(据书名叶题)DaoGuTangJi(Thetitleisfromthesameonthetitlepage)》(道古堂集(據書名葉題)DaoGuTangJi(Thetitleisfromthesameonthetitlepage))清杭世骏撰QingCompiled by Hang Shijun-乾隆四十一年杭宾仁刻本。Qing Woodblock Print by Hang Baoren in A.D.1776.PDF电子书网盘下载


书名 《道古堂集(据书名叶题)DaoGuTangJi(Thetitleisfromthesameonthetitlepage)》
正题名 道古堂集(據書名葉題)DaoGuTangJi(Thetitleisfromthesameonthetitlepage)
拼音题名 Dao gu tang ji (ju shu ming xie ti )Dao Gu Tang Ji (The title is from the same on the title page)
作者姓名 杭世骏撰
版本 乾隆四十一年杭宾仁刻本。Qing Woodblock Print by Hang Baoren in A.D.1776.
版本行款 十行二十一字Ten lines; twenty-one words in each line
附注项 汪《序》记是书之刊印始于乾隆乙未(四十年),迄工于丙申(乾隆四十一年),有《文集》四十八卷,《诗集》二十六卷。王瞿《序》称雍正十二年,杭世骏曾编次其集,但未梓行。杭世骏生于康熙卅五年,卒于乾隆卅七年,则此本刻于其卒后三年,为最早刻本。 It is recorded in the preface by Wang that the printing of this book was started in A.D.1775 and completed in A.D.1776. This book consists of forty-eight volumes of essays collection and twenty-six volumes of poetry anthology. It is said in the preface by Wang Qu that Hang Shijun compiled his works in A.D.1734 but did not have them printed and published. Hang Shijun was born in A.D.1696 and died in A.D.1772. Therefore, this edition was printed three years after his death which was regarded as the earliest edition.
数量 十六册二夹板Sixteen volumes with two tablet
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 250.2MB
总页数 1431





