书名 | 《地舆躔度DiYuChanDuo》 |
正题名 | 地輿躔度DiYuChanDuo |
拼音题名 | De yu chan du Di Yu Chan Duo |
作者姓名 | 刘基着 |
版本 | 清蓝格钞本。Qing Manuscript in blue-frame. |
版本行款 | 九行十七字Nine lines; seventeen words in each line |
附注项 | 本书抄者不明。卷首下署有“九嶷山人仲威氏秘藏”,疑其所抄。查杨廷福,杨同甫编《明、清人室名别称字号索引》无号“九嶷山人”者,有号“九疑山人”者,与此书所记非为一人。以其称此书为“秘藏”推之,应为清人。 This book was transcribed anonymously. It is inscribed of the sentence “privately preserved by Jiu-yi Shan-ren” at the bottom of the front page. The book is probably transcribed by Jiu-yi Shan-ren. According to ‘Ming-Qing Ren Shi Ming Bie Cheng Zi Hao Suo Yin’ jointly compiled by Yang Tingfu and Yang Tongfu, no person was named Jiu-yi Shan-ren . Someone has been called “Jiu-yi Shan-ren”, which may not be the same person as recorded herein. This book was probably transcribed by someone in Qing dynasty because it was privately preserved. |
数量 | 二册一函Two books in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 9.5MB |
总页数 | 75 |

