《第五才子书水浒传DiWuCaiZiShuShuiHuZhuan》(第五才子書水滸傳DiWuCaiZiShuShuiHuZhuan)元施耐庵撰;(清)金人瑞批点YuanCompiled by Shi Nai’an; (Qing) Punctuated and annotated by Jin Renrui-清雍正十二年重刊本。Qing Woodblock reprint in 1734 A.D.PDF


书名 《第五才子书水浒传DiWuCaiZiShuShuiHuZhuan》
正题名 第五才子書水滸傳DiWuCaiZiShuShuiHuZhuan
拼音题名 Di wu cai zi shu shui hu chuan Di Wu Cai Zi Shu Shui Hu Zhuan
作者姓名 施耐庵撰;(清)金人瑞批点
版本 清雍正十二年重刊本。 Qing Woodblock reprint in 1734 A.D.
版本行款 十行二十三字 Ten lines; twenty-three words in each line
附注项 《水浒传》是中国历史上第一部用白话文写成的章回小说,被后人归为中国古典四大文学名著之一。正文前有雍正甲寅句曲外史《序》,卷首镌绣像数十幅,每图后题《赞词》。 Water Margin, also know as a work of All Men Are Brothers or The Marshes of Mount Liang, was one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. A preface was written by Ju Qu Wai Shi in A.D.1734. Some of the illustrations of portraits of figures in Water Margin were recorded in the beginning. Each one of them was following by a poem in praise of the cited figure.
数量 二十册二函 Twenty volumes in two case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 261.7MB
总页数 1423





