《鼎锲赵田了凡袁先生编纂古本历史大方鉴补DingQieZhaoTianLiaoFanYuanXianShengBianZhuanGuBenLiShiDaFangJianBu》(鼎鍥趙田了凡袁先生編纂古本歷史大方鑑補DingQieZhaoTianLiaoFanYuanXianShengBianZhuanGuBenLiShiDaFangJianBu)明袁黄编纂MingCompiled by Yuan Huang-明万历三十八年聚星馆叶氏刻本Ming Woodblock Print by Ye at Ju-xing Guan in A.D.1610.PDF


书名 《鼎锲赵田了凡袁先生编纂古本历史大方鉴补DingQieZhaoTianLiaoFanYuanXianShengBianZhuanGuBenLiShiDaFangJianBu》
正题名 鼎鍥趙田了凡袁先生編纂古本歷史大方鑑補DingQieZhaoTianLiaoFanYuanXianShengBianZhuanGuBenLiShiDaFangJianBu
拼音题名 Ding qie zhao tian le fan yuan xian sheng bian zuan gu ben li shi da fang jian bu Ding Qie Zhao Tian Liao Fan Yuan Xian Sheng Bian Zhuan Gu Ben Li Shi Da Fang Jian Bu
作者姓名 袁黄编纂
版本 明万历三十八年聚星馆叶氏刻本Ming Woodblock Print by Ye at Ju-xing Guan in A.D.1610.
版本行款 下栏十二行二十八字、小字双行,上栏小字双行四字Lower form: twelve lines, twenty-eight words in each line, lines of small-size words are doubled; upper form: two lines with four small-size words for each.
附注项 王重民《中国善本书提要》叶98录北京大学图书馆藏本几乎与本书完全相同,所在卷次也一样。本书当为余象斗刻而非叶应祖。细察本书,与北大本应同一版本。本书所刻时间应在第三刻之后,将第三刻中的“余象斗”挖改为“叶应祖”,书末牌记除年月外亦重改过。王重民所提余象斗第一刻托名李廷机者亦藏于美国国会图书馆(539/A0062)。 The edition preserved in Peking University Library as recorded on Page 98 of Zhong Guo Shan Ben Shu Ti Yao of Wang Chongming is almost the same as this book. The number of volume contained in this book is also the same. This book should be printed by Yu Xiangmen rather than Ye Yingzu. After perusing this book, it must be the same edition with the one preserved in Peking University Library. This book should be printed after the third edition and has the name of Yu Xiangmen in the third edition replaced with the name of Ye YingZu. The inscription on the tablet at the end of this book has also been changed except for the year of printing. The first edition mentioned by Wang Chongming which was printed by Yu Xiangmen in the name of Li Tingji is also preserved in the Congress Library. (539/A0062).
数量 三十册二函Thirty books in two cases
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 453.1MB
总页数 2080





