

作者 李嵩
品名 画罗汉图轴
朝代 南宋
文件大小 18.01MB
分辨率(DPI) 300×300
像素大小 1712×3508
尺寸(CM) 14.49×29.7
作品数量 1
作品收藏 台北故宫博物院
图片格式 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本


藏品类型 绘画
品名 宋李嵩画罗汉 轴
分类 绘画
作者 李嵩
数量 一轴


【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅 104×49.5


【质地位置】 【质地】
印记数据 【印记类别】 【印记】 鉴藏宝玺 乾隆御览之宝 鉴藏宝玺 乾隆鉴赏 鉴藏宝玺 嘉庆御览之宝 鉴藏宝玺 嘉庆鉴赏 鉴藏宝玺 秘殿珠林 鉴藏宝玺 三希堂精鉴玺 鉴藏宝玺 宜子孙 鉴藏宝玺 珠林三编 鉴藏宝玺 宣统御览之宝


【主题类别】 【主题(第一层)】 【主题(第二层)】 【主题说明】
主要主题 佛道人物 罗汉(应真、尊者)
其他主题 树木 寒林.枯树 枯树
其他主题 花草
其他主题 器用 花器
其他主题 佛道人物 神、仙
其他主题 树木 杨柳
其他主题 器用 家具(屏风) 榻;高几
其他主题 器用 香炉.火盆 香炉


【技法】 【技法细目】


【类别】 【参考数据】
收藏着录 秘殿珠林三编(干清宫),页62
收藏着录 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页92
收藏着录 故宫书画图录,第二册,页143-144
参考书目 1.李玉珉,〈宋李嵩画罗汉〉,收入李玉珉主编,《罗汉画》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1990年初版),页75-76。
内容简介(中文)   李嵩(公元1190至1230年),钱塘(今浙江杭州)人。李从训养子,光、宁、理。三朝画院待诏,工画道释人物,得其义父遗意,尤长界画。  本幅除山石皴笔外,俱用中锋钩勒,笔苍劲而流畅。柳叶藤枝,真力充沛,运转若神。佛画中每多佳作,此则其尤者也。
内容简介(英文) Li Sung was a native of Ch’ien-t’ang, Chekiang. In this painting, a lohan is holding a bamboo cane and sitting on a monk’s chair (used for meditation). The back of the chair is covered with a brocaded cloth. Although the lohan’s hair has turned white and his body weakened, his eyes still are spirited ; he is shown as if deep in thought. In the foreground are two attendants, one preparing a goblet and the other a basket of flowers as an offering. Following in the tradition of early Buddhist painting, the coloring is opulent and the brushwork refined. This exceptionally delicate work is traditional attributed to Li Sung, but it may be the work of a professional Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) master. The incense stand with six legs, railing and lotus-petal base forms a set with the monk’s chair. The decorative bronze waist serves the purpose of strengthening the piece. The top of the stand is in the shape of an altar with a platform surrounded by a balustrade. The waist at the center and the base frame are decorated with bronze floral designs.
内容简介(中文) 本幅绘一罗汉,须发尽白,双目有神,手拄竹杖,坐于禅床之上。身侧有二位随侍,一位捻香,另一位备花,状甚恭敬。全作赋色妍丽,除了山石皴笔外,俱用中锋钩勒,用笔苍劲而流畅。柳叶藤枝,运转若神。无款印,旧传为李嵩(公元一一九O─一二三O年)之作,但从画风观之,可能出自元代画家之手。李嵩,钱塘(今浙江杭州)人。光、宁、理宗三朝画院待诏,工画道释人物。
内容简介(英文) This painting shows a lohan whose hair has turned white as he stares out with spirit. He leans on a bamboo cane and sits on a monk’s (meditation) chair. He has two attendants-one holds an incense holder and the other is preparing flowers. The coloring is beautiful. Except for the texture strokes of the slope, the work was done in outlines using a centered brush. The brushwork is forceful yet fluid. The willow leaves and trailing vines all twist and turn. Although it does not have the signature or seal of the artist, it has been attributed to Li Sung. However, judging from style, it probably came from the hand of a yuan (1279-1368) artist. Li Sung served as a Painter-in-Attendance who specialized in Buddhist figures and the ruled-line style.
网页展示说明 罗汉又称阿罗汉,是指佛教修行的一个境界,达到这一个境界的修行人,将永远不会再轮回转世。这幅作品画一位罗汉,两手拄握着一根竹杖,坐在一张禅床上。身侧有两位随侍,一位正在捻香,另一位在整理花蓝。这位罗汉的头发、眉毛和胡髭都已变白,两眼望着前方,嘴角下抑,神情生动。人物衣纹流畅,用笔又苍劲有力。无论是罗汉身后垂杨的繁密树叶,或是罗汉所坐的禅床和身前的六足莲瓣座香几上的装饰,都画得极为精谨细致。是本院所藏道释人物画中的一件佳作。 这件画轴没有作者的款印,根据题签,过去称它为李嵩(1190-1230)的作品。李嵩,钱塘(今浙江杭州)人,曾任南宋光、宁、理宗三朝的画院待诏,工画道释人物和界画。可是,从画风看来,这幅罗汉可能出自元代画家之手。
网页展示说明 Lohan is the Chinese term for arhat, which is used to describe a disciple of Buddhism who achieved a certain level of cultivation and escaped from the cycle of birth and rebirth. The lohan shown here is leaning on a bamboo cane with both hands and is sitting on a meditation seat. He has two attendants–one holds an incense holder and the other prepares a basket of flowers. His hair has turned white and he stares forward with a solemn expression. The drapery lines flow with grace yet strength. The use of brushwork in this painting is exceptionally refined, as seen in the clusters of drooping willow leaves above and the decoration of the seat and stand next to the lohan, making this is one of the masterpieces of Buddhist and Taoist figure paintings in the Museum collection. Although this painting bears no signature or seal of the artist, it has been attributed in the title slip to Li Sung, who served as a Painter-in-Attendance at the Southern Sung court between 1190 and 1230 and specialized in Buddhist and Taoist figures as well as the ruled-line style of painting. However, judging from style, this work probably came from the hand of a Yuan dynasty (1279-1368) artist.
参考书目 〈宋李嵩画罗汉 轴〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会、林莉娜主编《画中家具特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1996.10),页36-37、115。



