附注项 |
无书名叶,无序跋。封卷首为衔名录,下录大主考李师中、王世仕及同考官各知县十二人。后为表格,表格分上下栏,上栏列姓名、家世、名次等,下栏列生日、学籍、家庭子女亲属等。 No title page. No preface or postscript. The book begins with the directory of the general examiners Li Shizhong and Wang Shishi and other examiners and county magistrates, twelve officials in total, which is followed by the table consisting of two columns; the first one lists the name, background, rank, etc. while the second column lists the date of birth, birth place, family members and relatives, etc. of the successful candidates for the examination. |