书名 | 《耕织图genzhitu》 |
正题名 | 耕織圖genzhitu |
拼音题名 | Geng zhi tu gen zhi tu |
作者姓名 | 圣祖康熙撰文;焦秉贞绘图 |
版本 | 清康熙卅五年(1696)内府绢底彩绘本。Colored painting on silk paper by Qing Imperial painter in 1695 A.D. |
附注项 | 全书含耕图和织图各23幅。每图题诗一首,据康熙《御制耕织图序》及严虞惇楷进表,为康熙御笔所书。绘工焦秉贞多取南宋初楼璹之《耕织图》,对其加以折中改造,乃成此图,其图鲜丽细腻,诚为艺术精品。 This work consists of forty-six paintings, half of them was divided into tilling while the others was divided into weaving. The paintings were elaborately drawn with a poem attached respectively. According to the preface of book written by Emperor Kangxi, we can see these poems were written by Emperor Kangxi together with Yan Yuchun’s annotation inside the book. Based upon the “Gengzhi Tu” painted by Lou Shou in Southern Song Dynasty, Jiao Bingzhen, the Court Painter had made it more exquisite and skilled than the original work of art. |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 5.7MB |
总页数 | 57 |

