作者 | 苏汉臣 |
品名 | 秋庭戏婴图轴 |
朝代 | 北宋 |
文件大小 | 18.03MB |
分辨率(DPI) | 300×300 |
像素大小 | 1848×3253 |
尺寸(CM) | 15.64×27.54 |
作品数量 | 1 |
作品收藏 | 台北故宫博物院 |
图片格式 | 默认提供TIF和JPG两个版本 |
藏品类型 | 绘画 |
品名 |
宋苏汉臣秋庭戏婴图轴 Children at Play in an Autumn Garden |
分类 | 绘画 |
作者 | 苏汉臣;Su Hanchen |
数量 | 一轴 |
【位置】 | 【尺寸】(公分) |
本幅 | 197.5×108.7 |
【质地位置】 | 【质地】 |
本幅 | 绢 |
【题跋类别】 | 【作者】 | 【位置】 | 【款识】 | 【书体】 | 【全文】 |
题跋 | 清高宗 | 本幅 | 壬寅仲秋御题 | 行书 | 庭院秋声落枣红。拾来旋转戏儿童。丹青讵止传神诩。寓意原存相让风。壬寅仲秋御题。 |
印记: 古稀天子之宝 |
【印记类别】 | 【印记】 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 乾隆御览之宝 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 乾隆鉴赏 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 三希堂精鉴玺 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 宜子孙 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 石渠宝笈 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 石渠定鉴 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 宝笈重编 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 养心殿鉴藏宝 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 宣统御览之宝 |
鉴藏宝玺 | 无逸斋精鉴玺 |
【主题类别】 | 【主题(第一层)】 | 【主题(第二层)】 | 【主题说明】 |
主要主题 | 山水 | 奇石 | |
主要主题 | 人物 | 孩童 | |
次要主题 | 花草 | 芙蓉 | |
其他主题 | 山水 | 秋景 | |
其他主题 | 建筑 | 庭院 | |
其他主题 | 器用 | 童玩 | |
其他主题 | 花草 | 菊 | |
其他主题 | 草虫 | 蜂 | |
其他主题 | 器用 | 家具(屏风) |
【技法】 | 【技法细目】 |
工笔 | |
双钩 |
【类别】 | 【参考数据】 |
收藏着录 | 石渠宝笈续编(养心殿),第二册,页951 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画录(卷五),第三册,页79 |
收藏着录 | 故宫书画图录,第二册,页67-68 |
参考书目 |
1.刘芳如,〈宋苏汉臣秋庭戏婴图〉,收入王耀庭、许郭璜、陈阶晋编,《故宫书画菁华特辑》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1987年初版,2001年再版),页100-101。 2.郑淑方,〈秋庭戏婴图〉,收入林柏亭主编,《国宝菁华 — 书画‧图书文献篇》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2006年12月),页201。 3.〈宋苏汉臣秋庭婴戏图〉,收入国立故宫博物院编辑委员会编,《名宝上珍》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1995年初版一刷),页230。 4.杜书华,〈国之重宝 — 书画精萃特展〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第19期(1984年10月),页25-26。 5.本社,〈宋苏汉臣秋庭婴戏〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第42期(1986年9月),页1。 6.杜书华,〈宋苏汉臣秋庭婴戏图〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第100期(1991年7月),页78-79。 7.刘芳如,〈苏汉臣婴戏图考之二〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第206期(2000年5月),页68-82。 8.陈韵如,〈〈秋庭戏婴〉与〈冬日婴戏〉双幅〉,《故宫文物月刊》,第337期(2011年4月),页90-97。 |
内容简介(中文) | 苏汉臣(约公元12世纪),开封人。宣和画院待诏。工道释人物,尤善婴儿。 本幅画童婴二人,拨枣为戏,精神专注,态貌如生,庭石芙蓉,秋光满纸,另一圆櫈上列玩具,地上双钹,一俯一仰,无一物不工。 |
内容简介(英文) | Su Han-ch’en was a native of K’ai-feng, Honan. He served as a Painter-in-Attendance in the Hsuan-ho Painting Academy at the end of the Northern Sung, and he continued in this capacity at the Southern Sung court during the Shao-hsing reign. He was skilled at religious subjects and figure painting, especially the painting of children. This work depicts two children playing with dates (fruit). They are entirely intent upon their game, their attitudes are most natural. In the garden, stones and hibiscus capture an autumn mood. Toys are arranged on the top of a round garden seat, while a pair of cymbals lie on the ground. Every detail in the scroll is precisely delineated. |
内容简介(中文) | 苏汉臣(公元十二世纪),开封人。宣和间入画院任职待诏。宋室南渡后,再入绍兴画院。隆兴初,且因画佛像称旨,授承信郎。长于道释、人物,尤善画童婴。 本幅绘湖石婷立,芙蓉、雏菊争艳,一派秋意盎然。姊弟二人,围立圆几,专注于拨玩枣磨。右方几上和地面,复散置转盘、佛塔、铙钹等。举凡人与诸物,率皆刻画细谨,敷染生动,洵为苏氏传世极精之作。 |
内容简介(英文) | Su Han-ch’en was a native of K’ai-feng, Honan. He served as Painter-in-Attendance in the Imperial Painting Academy during the Hsuan-ho era (1119-1125) under Emperor Hui-tsung and was still active under Hsiao-tsung (after 1162). Su was skillful in painting Buddhist and Taoist figures and especially children. This work shows a boy and a girl playing a game with dates. Completely intent on their game, their attitudes are most natural. In the garden with a decorative rock, the colorful chrysanthemums and hibiscus capture the autumn mood. Some toys have been left on top of a round garden stool, and a pair of cymbals lies on the ground. Every detail in this work is precisely delineated, making it one of Su Han-ch’en’s greatest masterpieces. |
网页展示说明 | 双幅绢质→〈秋庭戏婴〉与〈冬日婴戏〉皆为左右双幅绢组成,画面尺寸也十分接近。本次针对两幅画绢进行显微观察,各段绢质组织的相似度极高,应可推测为成组作品。 ╱ 画中植物→〈秋庭戏婴〉芙蓉、菊花、鸭趾草 & 〈冬日婴戏〉梅、山茶、竹 ╱ 黑漆圆凳→〈秋庭戏婴〉画有两件绘白色花纹的黑色圆凳,由于南宋存世漆器不多,此画中的黑漆圆凳常被视为重要参考。黑漆上的纹饰技法,有称之「螺钿」,但因不见珠贝光泽的表现,或许与「平脱」技巧有关。这两种漆器的装饰手法,前者是在漆胎上贴珠贝,后者则是贴金银箔片,经干燥后再加髹漆程序而成。 ╱ 孩童衣饰→〈秋庭戏婴〉的女孩年龄略大于男孩。女孩身穿白色浅花纹的交领衫,衣领、袖口滚红褐色边;下身为白色暗花纹裤。头上梳着双鬟,以青、红色发带、玉钗、珍珠等装饰。男孩则身穿红色金纹对襟罩衫,下身为白色印花裤;头发如烙铁样,是常见的孩童发式。 & 〈冬日婴戏〉也是女孩年龄较大。女孩身着白色袍衫,头梳三鬟,再饰以发钗、发带。男孩同样身穿对襟褐色滚红边衣袍,着印花裤;头发则是梳着许多小髻,再用红发带扎起。 ╱ 画中童玩→〈秋庭戏婴〉右侧圆凳上有人马转轮、八宝纹纸格、玳瑁盘、小陀螺、红色佛塔与双碗钵,在圆凳一旁地面有一组小钹。左侧圆凳上,则是一个利用枣子制成的枣磨儿。两位孩童正专注地拨弄着枣磨。 & 〈冬日婴戏〉画中两位孩童,一位拿孔雀羽毛,一位持五色旗逗弄着一只猫。(20110406) |
网页展示说明 | Silk of the Paintings→” Children Playing in an Autumn Garden ” and ” Children at Play on a Winter Day ” are both composed of two vertical bolts of silk joined together, their dimensions being very similar. Microscopic analysis of these two paintings reveals an exceptionally high degree of similarity throughout the sections of silk in terms of quality and weaving, suggesting that these two works were indeed once part of a larger set. ╱ Vegetation in the Paintings→Children Playing in an Autumn Garden: Hibiscus, chrysanthemum, a flowering plant similar to a dayflower (in the lower area) and Children at Play on a Winter Day: Plum blossom, bamboo, camellia ╱ Round Black-Lacquered Stools→” Children Playing in an Autumn Garden ” depicts two round black stools with white floral decoration. Since few examples of lacquerware from the Southern Song survive, the black-lacquered round stools in this painting have often been cited as important evidence of it. One form of black lacquerware decoration is known as “mother-of-pearl inlay.” However, since a pearl-like luster is not evident here, perhaps here it is more related to the “flat removal” type of lacquer decoration. In these two techniques, the first one involves the application of mother-of-pearl pieces to the lacquer, and the other gold or silver foil pieces, forming a pattern then covered with lacquer before being polished to reveal the decoration. E1 (20110406) |
网页展示说明 | Children’s Clothes and Ornaments→In ” Children Playing in an Autumn Garden ” the girl is slightly older than the boy. She is wearing a white gown with light floral patterning, her high collar and long sleeves lined with a pressed reddish-brown edge. She also wears white pants with darker floral decoration. Her hair is tied into a pair of knots with bluish-green and red ribbons, jade hairpins, and pearl ornaments. The boy is wearing a red shirt with gold patterning as well as white print pants. His hair has been shaved to leave only a tuft at the front, known as a “flat iron,” which was a common hairstyle for children. and ”Children at Play on a Winter Day ” also features an older girl. She wears a white gown and has her hair tied up into three knots with hairpin and ribbon decoration. The boy is wearing a light brown shirt and jacket with pressed red lining as well as trousers with print décor. His hair is tied up into many knots held in place with red ribbons. ╱ Children’s Toys in the Paintings→On the right stool in ” Children Playing in an Autumn Garden ” is a figures-on-horseback spinner, Eight Treasures checker, tortoise-shell dish, small spinning top, and red-lacquered Buddhist pagoda with two bowls. A small pair of cymbals is on the ground next to the stool. On the stool to the left is a spinner made from cut dates, with both children concentrating on their game of spinning dates. and Of the two kids in ” Children at Play on a Winter Day,” one drags a red string to which is attached a peacock feather, and the other holds a colorful banner as they tease a kitten. E2 (20110406) |
网页展示说明 | 二作品の绢质→<秋庭戏婴>と〈冬日婴戏〉はどちらも左右双幅の绢本で构成され、作品の寸法ほぼ同じである。両作の絵绢の顕微撮影を行った结果、各段の绢质组织の相似度が极めて高いことから、二点一组の作品であると推测される。 ╱ 画中の植物→<秋庭戏婴>芙蓉、菊、露草 & 〈冬日婴戏〉梅、椿、竹 ╱ 黑い漆涂りの圆凳→<秋庭戏婴>には白い模様の入った黑い圆凳(丸く低い背もたれのない腰挂け)が描かれており、材质は黑い漆涂りに螺钿细工を施したものか、平涂りと思われる。现存する南宋の漆器が少ないことから、この黑い漆涂りの圆凳が重要な参考数据の一つとされている。 J1 (20110406) |
网页展示说明 | 子どもの衣服と装饰品→<秋庭戏婴>の女の子は男の子よりもやや年上。女の子は淡い模様の入った白の合わせ襟の长着と暗色の模様が入ったズボンを身に付け、上着の襟と袖には赤褐色の缘取りがある。二つのまげを结い、青と赤のリボン、玉のかんざし、真珠などの装饰品を身に付けている。男の子は金色の纹様の入った赤色の対襟の上着(前にボタンがある上着)と模様入りの白いズボンを身に付け、「烙铁印児」と言われる前头部分の髪の毛を菱形に残した髪型をしている。 & 〈冬日婴戏〉の女の子も男の子より年上で、白い长衣を身に付け、まげを三つに结い、かんざしとリボンで髪を饰っている。男の子は対襟の褐色の上着と模様入りのズボンを身に付け、上着の襟や袖には赤い缘取りが入っている。头にたくさんの小さなまげを结って赤いリボンで结んでいる。 ╱ 画中の玩具→<秋庭戏婴>の右の圆凳(丸く低い背もたれのない腰挂け)には人马の回転板、八宝が描かれた格子纸、べっ甲盘、小さなコマ、赤い仏塔と二つの钵が置かれ、近くの地面には钹(ハツ)と呼ばれる铜制の打楽器がある。左の圆凳にはナツメで作られた枣磨(やじろべえ)があり、二人の子どもが梦中になって游んでいる。 & 〈冬日婴戏〉では、女の子は五色の旗、男の子はクジャクの羽を手に持って猫をじゃらしている。 J2 (20110406) |
参考书目 | 刘芳如,〈宋苏汉臣秋庭戏婴图轴〉,收入《国宝的形成-书画菁华特展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2017.10),页92-99、307。 |
参考书目 | 国立故宫博物院编辑委员会,〈宋苏汉臣秋庭戏婴图轴〉,收入《故宫书画菁华特辑》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1996.10),页100-101。 |
