附注项 |
正文前钞录《四库提要》,咸丰乙卯贺桂龄《重刻序》、崇祯辛巳顾炎武《书台记》、同治元年顾炳章刻书《题记》、孙矿《原序》、万历癸丑沈孝征《叙》、皇甫湜《序》、姚士麟顾况《传》、顾况遗像、《像赞》、目录。 There are summary copied from Si Ku Ti Yao, preface written by He Guiling in A.D.1855, Shu Tai Ji written by Gu Yanwu in A.D.1641, inscription for printing this book written by Gu Bingzhang in A.D.1862, the original preface written by Sun Kuang, introduction written by Shen Xiaozheng in A.D.1613, preface written by Huangpu Shi, biography of Gu Kuang written by Yao Shilin, portrait of Gu Kuang, inscription on the portrait and table of contents before the main body. |