书名 | 《关帝宝训像注(据版心及目录题)GuanDiBaoXunXiangZhu(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptionintheprintingareaaswellasthetableofcontents.)》 |
正题名 | 關帝寶訓像註(據版心及目錄題)GuanDiBaoXunXiangZhu(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptionintheprintingareaaswellasthetableofcontents.) |
拼音题名 | Guan di bao xun xiang zhu (ju ban xin ji mu lu ti )Guan Di Bao Xun Xiang Zhu (The title is from the inscription in the printing area as well as the table of contents.) |
作者姓名 | 佚名撰 |
版本 | 清乾隆五十九年京都吴氏雕藻斋刻本。Qing Woodblock Print by Wu’s at Jingdu in A.D.1794. |
版本行款 | 十一行二十二字Eleven lines; twenty-two words in each line. |
附注项 | 书名叶右上题“乾隆甲寅年重镌”,左下《题记》为当时书价不可多得资料。正文卷端无书名,正文前有雍正九年《原序》、乾隆五十九年刻印《叙》。每卷前有目录,内述忠孝节义,扬善惩恶等故事,每篇配以插图,图绘较精,为坊刻之佳者。 It is inscribed of a date “Reprinted in A.D.1794” on the upper right of the title page. The inscription on the lower left is the precious historical material in respect of book price at that time. No book title is noted in the beginning of text. There are the original preface written in A.D.1731 and introduction written in A.D.1794 before the text. Each volume has its own table of contents in the beginning. The book collects the stories about royalty, filial piety, chastity and righteousness in order to encourage the good and get rid of the bad. Each article is followed by the illustration which is outstanding in privately printed works for its excellence. |
数量 | 四册一函Four books in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 52.8MB |
总页数 | 335 |