《广东全省经纬地舆图GuangDongQuanShengJingWeiDiYuTu》(廣東全省經緯地輿圖GuangDongQuanShengJingWeiDiYuTu)清佚名编绘QingCompiled and painted by the anonymous-清末彩绘本。Qing Colored Painting.PDF


书名 《广东全省经纬地舆图GuangDongQuanShengJingWeiDiYuTu》
正题名 廣東全省經緯地輿圖GuangDongQuanShengJingWeiDiYuTu
拼音题名 An dong quan sheng jing wei de yu tu Guang Dong Quan Sheng Jing Wei Di Yu Tu
作者姓名 佚名编绘
版本 清末彩绘本。Qing Colored Painting.
版本行款 different number of words in each line
附注项 正文地图共计百零四幅,首列“广东全省舆图”,后列各府、县图。所绘纬度即标现北纬度数,经度以北京为中线(东经116度)。全图以墨绿色渲染海洋河流,青绿色绘山峦,红色标城镇,绘制精细。按印,此书或为广东海关所编绘。 The main body contains 104 pieces of maps altogether. The map of Guangdong province is placed in the beginning followed by the map for each county. The latitude marked thereon is north latitude. The longitude was marked with the longitude of Beijing ( E116°) as the base line. All of the maps were marked in an exquisite way with oceans and rivers in dark green, mountains in light green and towns in red. According to the seals, this book was probably composed by the customs of Guangdong.
数量 一册一函One book in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 15.4MB
总页数 111





