

作者 仇英
品名 临宋元六景册(8开)
朝代 明朝
文件大小 144.36MB
分辨率(DPI) 300×300
像素大小 2832×2124
尺寸(CM) 23.97×17.98
创作时间 明世宗嘉靖二十六年(1547)
作品数量 8
作品收藏 台北故宫博物院


藏品类型 绘画
品名 明仇英临宋元六景 册
Six Scenes in Sung and Yuan Styles
分类 绘画
作者 仇英;Qiu Ying
创作时间 明世宗嘉靖二十六年(1547)
数量 一册:七开(本幅七开七幅;后副叶一开二幅)


【位置】 【尺寸】(公分)
本幅一 29.2×47.1
本幅二 29.2×43.2
本幅三 29.3×43.5
本幅四 29.3×43.8
本幅五 29.3×46.8
本幅六 29.2×43.8
后副叶一 29.3×47
后副叶二 29.3×47


【质地位置】 【质地】


【题跋类别】 【作者】 【位置】 【款识】 【书体】 【全文】
题跋 项元汴 后副叶二 墨林项元汴清玩。嘉靖二十六年(公元一五四七年)春。摹于博雅堂。 行楷书 宋元六景。仇英十洲临古名笔。墨林项元汴清玩。嘉靖二十六年(公元一五四七年)春。摹于博雅堂。隆庆庚午仲春装袭。(末有「聆」字编号。)
题跋 项声表 后副叶二 戊寅夏。孙声表叔远氏重装。 行楷书 戊寅夏。孙声表叔远氏重装。


【印记类别】 【印记】
鉴藏宝玺 乾隆御览之宝
鉴藏宝玺 乾隆鉴赏
鉴藏宝玺 石渠定鉴
鉴藏宝玺 宝笈重编
鉴藏宝玺 干清宫鉴藏宝
鉴藏宝玺 石渠宝笈
鉴藏宝玺 三希堂精鉴玺
鉴藏宝玺 宜子孙
鉴藏宝玺 嘉庆御览之宝
鉴藏宝玺 宣统御览之宝
鉴藏宝玺 宣统鉴赏
鉴藏宝玺 无逸斋精鉴玺
收传印记 项元汴印(重五)
收传印记 墨林山人(重四)
收传印记 父印(半印)
收传印记 宝玩印(半印)
收传印记 虚朗斋(重一)
收传印记 子京(半印)
收传印记 亭长(半印)
收传印记 珍秘(半印重一)
收传印记 子京父印(重三)
收传印记 沮溺(半印)
收传印记 墨林子
收传印记 子京父印(重二)
收传印记 子孙永保(重一)
收传印记 子孙世昌
收传印记 桃花源(半印)
收传印记 项叔子
收传印记 耕耨(半印)
收传印记 香岩(半印)
收传印记 项墨林父秘籍之印(重一)
收传印记 墨林秘玩
收传印记 寄傲
收传印记 寄傲(半印)
收传印记 煮茶(半印)
收传印记 墨林(半印)
收传印记 秘玩(半印)
收传印记 项氏(半印重一)
收传印记 堂(半印)
收传印记 蘧庐(半印)
收传印记 病仙(半印)
收传印记 会心(半印重一)
收传印记 墅处(半印)
收传印记 项印(半印)
收传印记 项季子章(半印重一)
收传印记 子京(半印重一)
收传印记 子京(瓢形半印)
收传印记 墨林(半印)
收传印记 墨林主人
收传印记 木鸡(半印)
收传印记 山樵(半印)
收传印记 癖茶(半印)
收传印记 逸民(半印)
收传印记 净因庵主
收传印记 平生真赏
收传印记 檇李
收传印记 项声表印(重五)
收传印记 叔远(重五)
收传印记 山东等处提刑按察使司之印
收传印记 江南江宁苏松常镇淮扬徐八府州承宣布政使司印
收传印记 商丘宋荦书画府印
收传印记 宝轴时开心一洒
收传印记 宋荦审定(重五)
收传印记 教忠堂藏
收传印记 衣园居士
收传印记 子孙宝之
收传印记 衣园藏真(重一)
收传印记 竹溪秘玩(重一)
收传印记 衣园(重一)
收传印记 双清阁书画章
收传印记 衣园审定


【类别】 【参考数据】
收藏着录 石渠宝笈续编(干清宫),第一册,页409
收藏着录 故宫书画录(卷六),第四册,页43-45
收藏着录 故宫书画图录,第二十二册,页238-241
内容简介(中文) 仇英(约一四九四-一五五二),字实父,号十洲,江苏太仓人。年青时曾为漆工,后遇周臣,经其指授,渐有名于艺坛。工画山水、人物、兼善花卉、鸟兽、传世蕃马之作,亦复不少。画为临宋元六景册,其一为高峰远湖,其二为云山楼阁,其山坳田舍,其四为关山渔舍,其五为松林村落,其六为竹篱压雪。此册用笔率意而富天趣,设色亦雅澹。精丽端整中,又有一份潇洒。
内容简介(英文) The first leaf of this album depicts lofty peaks and a broad lake; the second, storied buildings among cloud-wrapped mountains; the third, mountains and valleys, houses and fields; the fourth, a mountain pass and fishermen’s dwellings; the fifth, a pine forest and a village; and a sixth, a snow-covered bamboo paling. The brushwork is casual but full of character; the coloring is quiet and refined. Within the paintings’ tranquil, restrained beauty, however, wafts an air of bold elegance.
As a youth Ch’iu Ying was a lacquer artist; after studying with Chou Ch’en he gradually became famous as a painter. He produced finely detailed landscapes and paintings of human figures as well as renditions of flowers, birds, and animals. Many of his paintings of foreign grooms and horses are still extant today. Ch’iu Ying was from T’ai-ts’ang, Kiangsu. His style-name was Shih-fu; his sobriquet, Shih-chou.
内容简介(中文)  仇英(约公元一四九四-一五五二年),江苏太仓人。字实父,号十洲。年轻时曾为漆工,后遇周臣,经其指授,渐有名于艺坛。仇英晚年曾受聘于项元汴,临摹古画颇有心得。此册用笔率意而赋天趣,设色淡雅,精丽端整中,又有一份潇洒,完成于一五四七年。幅上有项元汴「墨林秘玩」等多方收藏印,后副叶亦有其题跋及千字文第六八九「聆」字编号,当是受聘于项家时所作。
内容简介(英文) Qiu Ying (style name Shifu, sobriquet Shizhou) was a native of Taicang, Jiangsu. A lacquer craftsman as a youth, he later met the painter Zhou Chen. Becoming his student, he gradually achieved fame in art circles. Qiu was once employed at Xiang Yuan-bian’s residence, where he copied ancient paintings to his heart’s content. The brushwork in this album is free and natural, the coloring light and elegant. In the beautiful precision is a casual elegance. Done in 1547, it is impressed with such collector seals of Xiang as “Secret Pleasure of Molin.” On the end leaf is also a colophon by Xiang and the 689th character from the “Thousand Character Classic” (ling 聆), indicating it was once in his collection and may have been done by Qiu while employed at his home.
参考书目 1.国立故宫博物院,1989年初版),页98-99。
3.江兆申,〈仇英临宋元六景 册〉,收入国立故宫博物院编,《吴派画九十年展》(台北:国立故宫博物院,1975年初版,1976年再版,1981年三版),页294。
网页展示说明 仇英(约公元一四九四—一五五二年),江苏太仓人,居苏州。字实父,号十洲。工画山水、人物,初师周臣,后又融会唐宋各家之长,自成一格。终能凭其超卓画艺,位列明代四大家。
网页展示说明 Qiu Ying (style name Shifu, sobriquet Shizhou), a native of Taicang in Jiangsu who resided in Suzhou, was good at landscapes and figures. At first he studied under Zhou Chen, later fusing the virtues of Tang and Song dynasty masters to create his own style. A superb talent, he was ranked as one of the Four Ming Masters.
This album contains six leaves: “Lofty Peaks and Distant Lake,” “Storied Buildings Amid Cloudy Mountains,” “Mountain Valleys with Houses and Fields,” “Mountain Pass and Angler Dwellings,” “Pine Forest and Village,” and “Snow-covered Bamboo Paling.” The brushwork ranges from fine to sketchy, and the coloring is elegant and extraordinary. The beautiful dignity here is not lacking in tranquility. Qiu Ying did these works in 1547 while serving as a resident artist at the home of the famous collector Xiang Yuanbian.
网页展示说明 仇英(1494-1552)、江苏太仓の人、苏州で暮らした。字は実父、号は十洲。山水画と人物画に优れていた。周臣に师事した后、唐宋时代各家の长所を取り入れ、独自の画风を筑いた。その卓越した画芸によって明代四大家の一人に列せられた。
参考书目 邱士华等,〈明仇英临宋元六景 册〉,收入《伪好物–16~18世纪苏州片及其影响》(台北:国立故宫博物院,2018.04),页56-63。

















