《嘉庆叁年戊午科山西乡试JiaQingSanNianWuWuKeShanXiXiangShi》(嘉慶叁年戊午科山西鄉試JiaQingSanNianWuWuKeShanXiXiangShi)清祝曾、戴敦元主考QingZhu Zeng_ Dai Dunyuan served as the general examiners-清嘉庆三年刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in A.D.1798.PDF


书名 《嘉庆叁年戊午科山西乡试JiaQingSanNianWuWuKeShanXiXiangShi》
正题名 嘉慶叁年戊午科山西鄉試JiaQingSanNianWuWuKeShanXiXiangShi
拼音题名 Jia qing san nian wu wu ke shan xi xiang shi Jia Qing San Nian Wu Wu Ke Shan Xi Xiang Shi
作者姓名 祝曾、戴敦元主考
版本 清嘉庆三年刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in A.D.1798.
版本行款 九行十八字Nine lines; eighteen words in each line
附注项 书首有祝曾《序》,后为衔名录,题临监官等官员名录数十名,考试官为祝曾、戴敦元。另有乡试录题、中式举人等名单及乡试录文,末有戴敦元《后序》。册二为名录表格,表格分上下栏,上栏列姓名、家世、名次等,下栏列生日、学籍、家庭子女亲属等。 This book begins with the preface written by Zhu Zeng followed by the directory of dozens of examiners and their official posts. The general examiners are Zhu Zeng and Dai Dunyuan. This book also contains the subjects of examination held by county government, list of successful candidates for the examination together with their articles for the examination. There is the postscript written by Dai Dunyuan at the end of the book. Book 2 is the table of directory of the candidates. The table consists of two columns; the first one lists the name, background, rank, etc. while the second column lists the date of birth, birth place, family members and relatives, etc.
数量 二册一函Two books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 21.5MB
总页数 148





