《检尸考要jianshikaoyao》(檢屍考要jianshikaoyao)清朱纲;俞士元选校QingZhu Gang; Yu Shiyuan choose and check-清雍正四年(1726)年刻本/刊本。Qing Woodblock print in 1726 A.D.PDF


书名 《检尸考要jianshikaoyao》
正题名 檢屍考要jianshikaoyao
拼音题名 Jian shi kao yao jian shi kao yao
作者姓名 朱纲;俞士元选校
版本 清雍正四年(1726)年刻本/刊本。Qing Woodblock print in 1726 A.D.
版本行款 九行二十一字nine lines, twenty-one Chinese characters.
附注项 布兰泰《序》记朱纲简历及朱氏辑《检尸考要》之由来。朱纲序述此书缘起云,是书乃就《洗冤集说》中所载之《洗冤录》、《无冤录》等书选其与验尸关键之处,汇为一帙,期于一目了然,便于查阅。至其中尸伤、尸图等,皆系照刑部现行新例核定。” In the preface by Bu Lantai, the brief introduction of Zhu Gangjian and the reason that Zhu compiled the book of jian shi kao yao were recorded. In Zhu’s self-introduction, he said that he collected the important parts on identification of corpse from the book xi yuan lu and wu yuan lu recorded in xi yuan ji shuo. He compiled these into one book in order to read conveniently. The wound marks on body and depictions of corpses were verified in accordant with the new regulations by Department of Punishment.
数量 一册一函one volume in one case.
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 10.7MB
总页数 60





