《芥舟学画编JieZhouXueHuaBian》(芥舟學畫編JieZhouXueHuaBian)清沈宗骞述QingShen Zongqian-日本弘化二年覆清乾隆四十六年沈氏氷壶阁刻本。Qing Woodblock Print by Shen’s in A.D.1781 and was reprinted in A.D.1845 in Japan.PDF


书名 《芥舟学画编JieZhouXueHuaBian》
正题名 芥舟學畫編JieZhouXueHuaBian
拼音题名 Gai zhou xue hua bian Jie Zhou Xue Hua Bian
作者姓名 沈宗骞述
版本 日本弘化二年覆清乾隆四十六年沈氏氷壶阁刻本。Qing Woodblock Print by Shen’s in A.D.1781 and was reprinted in A.D.1845 in Japan.
版本行款 八行十八字,匡上小字双行五字Eight lines; eighteen words in each line; the small-size words above the printing area are in double lines with five words in each line.
附注项 正文前有乾隆四十六年《自序》,末题“沈宗骞”、目次。卷四末行刻“熊锦文镌”。卷末有日本弘化乙巳九方山人《跋》。 There are author’s preface written in A.D.1781 with the characters “Shen Zongqian” noted at the end together with the number of volumes before the main body. It is inscribed of the characters “engraved by Xiong Jinwen” in the last line of Vol.4. There is the postscript written in the second year at the period of Kouka in Japan in A.D.1845.
数量 四册一函Four books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 25.8MB
总页数 154





