《康熙字典kangXiZiDian》(康熙字典kangXiZiDian)清张玉书等奉敕撰QingCompiled by Zhang Yushu_ etc. under the imperial order-日本安永九年大阪风月庄左门卫翻刻本。Ming Woodblock Reprint in Japanese edition by Saemon of Feng Yue Zhuang in Osaka in A.D.1780 (Anei 9th year in Japanese History).PDF电子书网盘下载


书名 《康熙字典kangXiZiDian》
正题名 康熙字典kangXiZiDian
拼音题名 Kang xi zi dian kang Xi Zi Dian
作者姓名 张玉书等奉敕撰
版本 日本安永九年大阪风月庄左门卫翻刻本。Ming Woodblock Reprint in Japanese edition by Saemon of Feng Yue Zhuang in Osaka in A.D.1780 (Anei 9th year in Japanese History).
版本行款 八行大字不等,小字十六行二十四字Eight lines of large-size characters, different number of words in each line; Sixteen lines of small-size characters, twenty-four words in each line.
附注项 都贺庭钟评《康熙字典》云是书继《说文解字》、《字彚》、《正字通》而后,芟烦翦芜,博采经籍,远及释氏,发前人之未发。乃为学之津梁、枢要。Kang Xi Zi Dian was highly praised by Tsuga Teisyou that it replenished Shuo Wen Jie Zi, Zi Hui and Zheng Zi Tong by discarding their dross and taking their essence. This book surpassed the achievement of predecessor for the discovery of something unknown. It is noted as the main academic viewpoints and guidance principles for research.
数量 四十一册十函Forty-one volumes in ten cases
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 95.0MB
总页数 540





