《溃痈流毒kuiyongliudu》(潰癰流毒kuiyongliudu)清鹤间居士辑QingHe jian Ju shi compile-清传钞本_线装。六卷。卷各为册_每册一卷。无书名页。中缝无字。全书之末有内藤虎跋文。Qing(1644-1912) Manuscript_ thread-bound edition. Six volumes. Each album is a volume. No character on the centre joint. There is a postscript by Nei Tenghu on the end of entire book.PDF


书名 《溃痈流毒kuiyongliudu》
正题名 潰癰流毒kuiyongliudu
拼音题名 Hui yong liu du kui yong liu du
作者姓名 鹤间居士辑
版本 清传钞本,线装。六卷。卷各为册,每册一卷。无书名页。中缝无字。全书之末有内藤虎跋文。Qing(1644-1912) Manuscript, thread-bound edition. Six volumes. Each album is a volume. No character on the centre joint. There is a postscript by Nei Tenghu on the end of entire book.
版本行款 十行二十一字Ten lines, twenty-one Chinese characters.
附注项 无序,开卷即为目录。据目录乃知所记始于道光十八年黄爵滋请严禁鸦片起,迄于道光二十三年谕琦善、奕经、文蔚革职闭门思过。所辑以谕旨、奏折为主,附录书信、传记、诗文若干则。卷一额题「溃痈流毒」,下无署名。条理井然,于研究鸦片战争大有帮助。 This book starts with its table of contents without any perface. It is recorded in this book of the history during the period from the date when Huang Juezi presenting a memorial concerning prohibition of opium in 1838 A.D., up to the date when Qi Shan, Yi Jing, Wen Wei were removed from their official positions by Emperor Daoguang in 1843 A.D. Several letters, biographies, and poems were also embodied in this book as supplementary material. The volume One hereof was titled as “kui yong liu du” without any signature hereunder. This book, which was neatly organized, could be greatly helpful to the research into the first Opium War.
数量 六册一函six volumes in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 59.4MB
总页数 384





