书名 | 《磊园留草leicaoliuyuan》 |
正题名 | 磊園留草leicaoliuyuan |
拼音题名 | Lei yuan liu cao lei cao liu yuan |
作者姓名 | 王道直着 |
版本 | 清康熙丁酉〈五十六年,1717〉高都养性堂刊本。Qing woodblock print by Gao Du yangxing tang in 1717 A.D. |
版本行款 | 九行十八字Nine lines, eighteen Chinese characters. |
附注项 | 本书二卷。王居安《序》记出版缘起云其父王道直壬子(1672年)乃搜其散佚诗稿成帙,手书一《序》,并题其册曰《磊园留草》,康熙十七年(1678年),未及付梓而殁。丁酉(1717年)乃勉付剞劂云。 The preface by Wang Ju’an recorded the reason and process of publishing. His father, Wang Daozhi compiled his odd poems into this book and wrote a preface in 1672 A.D. and was named as “leiyuan liucao”. He was not able to publish this book in time before his death in 1678 A.D. However, it was sent to print in the year of 1717 A.D. . |
数量 | 二册一函Two volumes in one case. |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 14.2MB |
总页数 | 100 |

