书名 | 《梁山来知德先生易经集注LiangShanLaiZhiDeXianShengYiJingJiZhu》 |
正题名 | 梁山來知德先生易經集註LiangShanLaiZhiDeXianShengYiJingJiZhu |
拼音题名 | Liang shan lai zhi de xian sheng yi jing ji zhu Liang Shan Lai Zhi De Xian Sheng Yi Jing Ji Zhu |
作者姓名 | 来知德纂注 |
版本 | 清康熙年间怀德堂藏板刻本。Qing Woodblock print by Huai De Tang in 1662-1722 A.D. |
版本行款 | 九行二十字Nine lines; twenty words in each line |
附注项 | 《易经》以一套符号系统来描述状态的变易,表现了中国古典文化的哲学和宇宙观。它的中心思想,是以阴阳两种元素的对立统一去描述世间万物的变化。易经集注,正文前有康熙二十七年崔华《序》言刻书事。明万历戊戌来知德《周易集注序》,万历辛丑郭子章《序》。 The I Ching (Classic of Changes or Book of Changes) is a symbol system used to identify order in random events. The text describes an ancient system of cosmology and philosophy that is intrinsic to ancient Chinese cultural beliefs. The cosmology centres on the ideas of the dynamic balance of opposites, the evolution of events as a process, and acceptance of the inevitability of change. This work of annotations of I Ching was made with a preface written by Cui Hua in A.D.1688 in regard to the printing of this work. Other prefaces was made by Lai Zhide in A.D.1598 and was made by Guo Zizhang in A.D.1601. |
数量 | 十二册一函Twelve volumes in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 141.6MB |
总页数 | 796 |

