《六书总要五卷LiuShuZongYao(infivevolumes)》(六書總要五卷LiuShuZongYao(infivevolumes))明吴元满编集MingCollected and compiled by Wu Yuanman-明万历十二年刻本。Ming Woodblock Print in A.D.1584.PDF


书名 《六书总要五卷LiuShuZongYao(infivevolumes)》
正题名 六書總要五卷LiuShuZongYao(infivevolumes)
拼音题名 Liu shu zong yao wu juan Liu Shu Zong Yao (in five volumes)
作者姓名 吴元满编集
版本 明万历十二年刻本。Ming Woodblock Print in A.D.1584.
版本行款 十四行二十五字Fourteen lines; twenty-five words in each line
附注项 有吴元满《自序》,其《凡例》记述成书缘起,体例分类甚详。《四库全书总目题要》云:是书“谓古文,大抵出于杜撰,又往往自相矛盾。”又举《说文》为例。按清儒崇《说文》,故作此语,崇抑褒贬,亦一家之言。 There is the author’s preface and the explanatory notes concering the background for compiling this book and the detailed classification. Si Ku Quan Shu Zong Mu Ti Yao takes a view that most of the ancient Chinese prose in this book is fabricated and self-contradictory and also refers to Shuo Wen Jie Zi. It is noted that Shuo Wen Jie Zi was highly praised by the scholars in Qing dynasty. That is why it was quoted herein. However, the standard of judging is only the author’s opinion.
数量 五册一函Five books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 49.4MB
总页数 253





