《梦缘录MengYuLu》(夢緣錄MengYuLu)朝鲜许炼撰KoreaComposed by Xu Lian-清钞本。Qing Manuscript.PDF


书名 《梦缘录MengYuLu》
正题名 夢緣錄MengYuLu
拼音题名 Meng yuan lu Meng Yu Lu
作者姓名 许炼撰
版本 清钞本。Qing Manuscript.
版本行款 九行二十字Nine lines; twenty words in each line
附注项 金永文《题文》有丙子纪年,是年许炼年六十九岁,按过去论年岁一般称虚岁,以此年上推六十八年许炼应生于清嘉庆十三年。查许炼卒于一八七六年七月,同年还将此书示于金永文,十年后为一八八六年,此书当为是年所抄。 The inscription written by Jin Yongwen has the record of the year of A.D.1876 when Xu Lian was 69 years old. Since people in the old time often has their ages recorded as one year older than their actual age. It can be inferred from this record that Xu Lian should be born in A.D.1808, i.e., the thirteenth year of Jiaqing Emperor in Qing dynasty in China. It is proved that Xu Lian died in July of A.D.1876, in which year he showed this book to Jin Yongwen. This book must be copied by hand ten years after his death, i.e.A.D.1886.
数量 一册一函One book in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 9.5MB
总页数 71





