《南华山人诗钞NanHuanShanRenShiChao》(南華山人詩鈔NanHuanShanRenShiChao)清张鹏翀着QingZhang Pengchong-清乾隆间刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in the period of Qianlong Emperor.PDF


书名 《南华山人诗钞NanHuanShanRenShiChao》
正题名 南華山人詩鈔NanHuanShanRenShiChao
拼音题名 Na hua shan ren shi chao Nan Huan Shan Ren Shi Chao
作者姓名 张鹏翀着
版本 清乾隆间刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in the period of Qianlong Emperor.
版本行款 十一行二十一字Eleven lines; twenty-one words in each line
附注项 前有乾隆御制诗多首,分别作于乾隆九年、十年;后收张鹏翀与乾隆唱和诗。《南华山人诗钞》为张鹏翀自撰诗,共十六卷,自卷一至卷十六每卷各有题名。正文前有乾隆五年贻直《序》,卷末有乾隆七年马荣祖《后序》。 There are a couple of poems written by Qianlong Emperor personally in A.D.1745 and A.D.1746 in the beginning of the book and the corresponding poems written by Zhang Pengchong at the end. Nan Hua Shan Ren Shi Chao is Zhang Pengchong’s poems collection of sixteen volumes altogether. Each volume has the title inscribed herein. There are the preface written by Shi Yizhi in A.D.1740 and the postscript written by Ma Rongzu in A.D.1742 at the end of this book.
数量 六册一函Six books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 78.3MB
总页数 453





