《七克QiKe》(七克QiKe)西班牙庞迪我撰SpainDidaco de Pantoja-清嘉庆三年京都始胎大堂藏板。Qing Woodblock Print preserved at Shi-tai Da-tang in Bejing in A.D.1798.PDF


书名 《七克QiKe》
正题名 七克QiKe
拼音题名 Qi ke Qi Ke
作者姓名 庞迪我撰
版本 清嘉庆三年京都始胎大堂藏板。Qing Woodblock Print preserved at Shi-tai Da-tang in Bejing in A.D.1798.
版本行款 九行二十一字Nine lines; twenty-one words in each line.
附注项 书名叶正中题“七克”,背面右题“天主降生一千六百四十三年极西庞迪我撰述”。正文前有杨廷筠《序》、彭端吾《西圣七编序》、万历甲寅庞迪《自序》、,崔淐《伏傲小序》、目录。是书列天主教要言罪宗七端,又言克罪七端有七德。 It is inscribed of the characters “chi ke” in the middle of the title page and the wordings “Composed by Didace de Pantoja” on the back of the title page. There are the preface written by Yang Tingyun, preface by Peng Duanwu, the author’s preface written in A.D.1614, preface by Cui Chang and the table of contents before the text. This book concerns the seven deadly sins defined in the doctrine of Catholicism as well as the seven holy virtues which can overcome the corresponding sins.
数量 五册一函Five books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 46.1MB
总页数 264





