《渠亭山人三种(据函脊题)QuTingShanRenSanZhong(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptiononthebackboneofthecase.)》(渠亭山人三種(據函脊題)QuTingShanRenSanZhong(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptiononthebackboneofthecase.))清张贞撰QingComposed by Zhang Zhen-清康熙间张贞峡云龙树楼自刊本。Qing Woodblock Print by Zhang Zhen in the period of Kangxi Emperor.PDF


书名 《渠亭山人三种(据函脊题)QuTingShanRenSanZhong(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptiononthebackboneofthecase.)》
正题名 渠亭山人三種(據函脊題)QuTingShanRenSanZhong(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptiononthebackboneofthecase.)
拼音题名 Qu ting shan ren san chong (ju han ji ti )Qu Ting Shan Ren San Zhong (The title is from the inscription on the backbone of the case.)
作者姓名 张贞撰
版本 清康熙间张贞峡云龙树楼自刊本。Qing Woodblock Print by Zhang Zhen in the period of Kangxi Emperor.
版本行款 一书九行十九字;二、三书均九行十八字Book 1: nine lines, nineteen words in each line; Book 2 and Book 3: nine lines, eighteen words in each line.
附注项 此书含《渠亭山人半部稿》、《或语集》、《潜州集》三种,为张贞文集。第一种不分卷,为册一、二。正文前有高珩《序》、康熙辛未(三十年)王士禛《序》、康熙二十八年张贞《自序》、目录,字体与下二部不同;第二种不分卷,为册三、四。正文前有康熙三十二年李澄中《序》、康熙癸酉(三十二年)方孝标《引》、《题辞》、康熙三十二年张贞《自叙》、目录;第三种不分卷,为册5-6。正文前有王士禛《序》、张远《序》、王源《序》、篇目、张贞《自序》。 This book includes three categories: Qu Ting Shan Ren Ban Bu Gao, Huo Yu Ji and Qian Zhou Ji, which are the essay collections of Zhang Zhen. The first category, without volume classification, is comprised of Book 1 and Book 2. There are the preface written by Gao Hang, preface by Wang Shizhen in A.D.1691, preface by the author Zhang Zhen in A.D.1689 and table of content before the text. The characters hereof were printed in different style with the following two categories. The second category, without volume classification, is comprised of Book 3 and Book 4. There are the preface written by Li Chengzhong in A.D.1693, introduction and inscription written by Fang Xiaobiao in A.D.1693, the author’s preface written in A.D.1693 and table of contents before the text. The third category, without volume classification, is comprised of Book 5 and Book 6. There are the prefaces written by Wang Shizhen, Zhang Yuan and Wang Yuan respectively, catalogues and the author’s preface before the text.
数量 六册一函Six books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 78.1MB
总页数 462





