书名 | 《顺天乡试录康熙甲午科(据版心及封面签题)ShunTianXiangShiLuKangXiJiaWuKe(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptionintheprintingareaandonthecover)》 |
正题名 | 順天鄉試錄康熙甲午科(據版心及封面簽題)ShunTianXiangShiLuKangXiJiaWuKe(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptionintheprintingareaandonthecover) |
拼音题名 | Shun tian xiang shi lu kang xi jia wu ke (ju ban xin ji feng mian qian ti )Shun Tian Xiang Shi Lu Kang Xi Jia Wu Ke (The title is from the inscription in the printing area and on the cover) |
作者姓名 | 徐日晅、田轩来主考 |
版本 | 清康熙五十三年刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in A.D.1714. |
版本行款 | 九行十八字Nine lines; eighteen words in each line |
附注项 | 版心下题叶码。书首有徐日晅《序》,后为衔名录,无额题,录临监官等官员名数十名,考试官为徐日晅、田轩来。另有乡试题目、中式举人名单及乡试录文,末有田轩来《后序》。 Page numbers are noted at the bottom of the printing area. The book begins with the preface written by Xu Rixuan followed by the directory of dozens of examiners and their official posts without caption title. The general examiners are Xu Rixuan and Tian Xuanlai. The book also contains the subjects of examination held by county government, list of successful candidates for the examination together with their articles for the examination. There is the postscript written by Tian Xuanlai at the end. |
数量 | 四册一函Four books in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 16.6MB |
总页数 | 98 |

