书名 |
《顺天乡试录同年齿录ShunTianXiangShiLuTongNianChiLu》 |
正题名 |
順天鄉試錄同年齒錄ShunTianXiangShiLuTongNianChiLu |
拼音题名 |
Shun tian xiang shi lu tong nian chi lu Shun Tian Xiang Shi Lu Tong Nian Chi Lu |
作者姓名 |
窦光鼐等主考 |
版本 |
清乾隆五十九年刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in A.D.1794. |
版本行款 |
表格行字不等Table: different number of words in each line |
附注项 |
无书名叶,无序跋,无签题。卷首衔名录,下录考试官窦光鼐及其他监试官、同考官等共廿三人。后为表格,表格分上下栏,上栏列姓名、家世、名次等,下栏列生日、学籍、家庭子女亲属等。 No title page. No preface or postscript. No inscription. The book begins with the directory of the Dou Guangnai and other examiners totaled twenty-three people, which is followed by the table consisting of two columns; the first one lists the name, background, rank, etc. while the second column lists the date of birth, native place, family members and relatives, etc. of the successful candidates for the examination. |
数量 |
二册一函Two books in one case |
现藏位置 |
美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 |
美国 |
文件大小 |
22.2MB |
总页数 |
145 |