书名 | 《孙氏养正楼印存SunShiYangZhengLouYinCun》 |
正题名 | 孫氏養正樓印存SunShiYangZhengLouYinCun |
拼音题名 | Sun shi yang zheng lou yin cun Sun Shi Yang Zheng Lou Yin Cun |
作者姓名 | 孟介臣篆刻 |
版本 | 清道光二十年太谷孙氏养正楼钤拓本。Qing Rubbing Print by Sun’s in A.D.1840. |
版本行款 | 每叶一印,行字不等One seal in each page; different number of words in each line. |
附注项 | 是书为孟介臣游居友人孙阜昌家,取诸书成语篆刻,每叶一印,下题刻印刀法,背面释文及出处。 This book is a collection of seals based on idioms in various books engraved by Meng Jiechen when he was guesting in Sun Fuchang’s home. For each page, there is one seal mark followed by the way of engraving illustration and the description and origin of the seal on the back. |
数量 | 六册一函Six books in one case. |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 36.4MB |
总页数 | 308 |

