书名 | 《孙溪朱氏经学丛书初编(据书名叶题)SunXiZhuShiJingXueCongShuChuBian(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptiononthetitlepage.)》 |
正题名 | 孫溪朱氏經學叢書初編(據書名葉題)SunXiZhuShiJingXueCongShuChuBian(Thetitleisfromtheinscriptiononthetitlepage.) |
拼音题名 | Sun xi zhu shi jing xue cong shu chu bian (ju shu ming xie ti )Sun Xi Zhu Shi Jing Xue Cong Shu Chu Bian (The title is from the inscription on the title page.) |
作者姓名 | 朱记荣辑 |
版本 | 清光绪间吴县朱氏槐庐刻本、行素艹堂藏板。Qing Woodblock Print by Zhu’s at Xing-su Cao-tangin in the period of Guangxu Emperor. |
版本行款 | 十一行二十一字Eleven lines; twenty-one words in each line. |
附注项 | 所收十三种:1.《李氏易解剩义》三卷、2.《古易音训》二卷、3.《尚书余论》一卷、4.《诗辨说》一卷、5.《飨礼补亡》一卷、6.《公羊逸礼考征》一卷、7.《论语孔注辨伪》二卷、8.《读孟质疑》二卷、9.《孟子时事略》一卷、10.《弟子职集解》一卷、11.《九经古义》十六卷、12.《十三经诂答问》六卷、13.《敤经笔记》一卷。 Thirteen categories are collected herein: 1. Li Shi Yi Jie Sheng Yi in three volumes; 2. Gu Yi Yin Xun in two volumes; 3. Shang Shu Yu Lun in one volume; 4. Shi Bian Shuo in one volume; 5. Xiang Li Bu Wang in one volume; 6. Gong Yang Yi Li Kao Zheng in one volume; 7. Lun Yu Kong Zhu Bian Wei in two volumes; 8. Du Meng Zhi Yi in two volumes; 9. Meng Zi Shi Shi Lue in one volume; 10. Di Zi Zhi Ji Jie in one volume; 11. Jiu Jing Gu Yi in sixteen volumes; 12. Shi San Jing Gu Da Wen in six volumes; 13. Ke Jing Bi Ji in one volume. |
数量 | 十二册一函Twelve books in one case. |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 135.5MB |
总页数 | 770 |

