附注项 |
四卷。卷首额题“所乐轩稾卷第一”,下署“兀鲁特,锡淳,渌矼”。卷前有众多小段题词:林则徐于道光壬寅(廿二年,1842);杨盛朝、吕成思于丁未年(1847);周腾虎;江开;孙运锦于庚戌年(1850);石赞清于咸丰元年(1851);刘达善于壬子年(1852),乙卯年(1855)再书。 This book consists of four volumes. Headline in the first leave is Volume One of ‘suo le xuan gao’, following by ‘wu lu te’, ‘xi chun’ and ‘lu gang’. There are several pieces of inscriptions written in the front volume: ‘Lin Zexu in 1842 A.D. ; Yang Shengchao Lv Chengsi in 1847 A.D. ; Zhou Tenghu; Jiang Kai; Sun Yunjin in 1850 A.D. ; Shi Zanqing 1851 A.D. and Liu Dashan revised in 1852 A.D. |