《台湾省番社风俗taiwanfanshefengsu》(臺灣番社風俗taiwanfanshefengsu)-清乾隆巡视台湾省监察御史六十七使台期间 (1744-1747) 命工绘制。彩色绘图本_褶装。Emperor Qianlong ordered royal painters to make it when the Royal Inspector investigated Taiwan in 1744-1747 A.D. A colored folding illustration edition.PDF电子书网盘下载


书名 《台湾省番社风俗taiwanfanshefengsu》
正题名 臺灣番社風俗taiwanfanshefengsu
拼音题名 Tai wan fan she feng su tai wan fan she feng su
版本 清乾隆巡视台湾省监察御史六十七使台期间 (1744-1747) 命工绘制。彩色绘图本,褶装。Emperor Qianlong ordered royal painters to make it when the Royal Inspector investigated Taiwan in 1744-1747 A.D. A colored folding illustration edition.
附注项 册页内有恒慕义所撰英文序文,其大意为:是本记录台湾省之发展,虽则或因绘工有限而略显粗糙,然仍难掩其价值。画册实录百余年前之台岛风物,计收画作十二幅,描摹人民稼穑、狩猎、生活等状,乃社会学与历史学诸生研究开端口前台湾省之极佳资料。 This album was prefaced in English by Mr. Arthur W. Hummel. It indicated in the preface that despite of limited artistic merit due to poor-skilled artisan, this album gave us a vivid depiction on the conditions of Formosa about a century ago. The album comprises 12 paintings showing the daily life and customs of the aboriginal people in term of agriculture, hunting, etc. It was highly prized as a precious material for the students of sociology and history to study and research on this island before it was transformed into a modern community.
数量 一册一函one volume in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 1.5MB
总页数 16





