《弢甫集十四卷弢甫五岳集五种二十卷TaoFuJi(infourteenvolumes);TaoFuWuYueJi(fivecategoriesintwentyvolumes)》(弢甫集十四卷弢甫五嶽集五種二十卷TaoFuJi(infourteenvolumes);TaoFuWuYueJi(fivecategoriesintwentyvolumes))清桑调元撰QingSang Tiaoyuan-清乾隆间刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in the period of Qianlong Emperor.PDF


书名 《弢甫集十四卷弢甫五岳集五种二十卷TaoFuJi(infourteenvolumes);TaoFuWuYueJi(fivecategoriesintwentyvolumes)》
正题名 弢甫集十四卷弢甫五嶽集五種二十卷TaoFuJi(infourteenvolumes);TaoFuWuYueJi(fivecategoriesintwentyvolumes)
拼音题名 Tao fu ji shi si juan tao fu wu yue ji wu chong er shi juan Tao Fu Ji (in fourteen volumes); Tao Fu Wu Yue Ji (five categories in twenty volumes)
作者姓名 桑调元撰
版本 清乾隆间刻本。Qing Woodblock Print in the period of Qianlong Emperor.
版本行款 十一行二十字Eleven lines; twenty words in each line.
附注项 弢甫五岳集总目录各集内容如下:《嵩山集》二卷264首;《华山集》三卷195首;《泰山集》三卷262首;《衡山集》五卷369首;《恒山集》七卷606首。 The general catalogues of Tao Fu Wu Yue Ji lists the contents of each category as follows: Song Shan Ji in two volumes with 264 poems; Hua Shan Ji in three volumes with 195 poems; Tai Shan Ji in three volumes with 262 poems; Heng Shan Ji in five volumes with 369 poems; Heng Shan Ji in seven volumes with 606 poems.
数量 八册一函Eight books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 116.8MB
总页数 606





