书名 | 《推背全图TuiBeiQuanTu(thetitleofthisbookisfromthesameonthetitlepage)》 |
正题名 | 推背全圖TuiBeiQuanTu(thetitleofthisbookisfromthesameonthetitlepage) |
拼音题名 | Tui bei quan tu Tui Bei Quan Tu (the title of this book is from the same on the title page) |
作者姓名 | 袁天罡、李淳风撰 |
版本 | 明崇祯六年钞绘本。Ming Transcript in 1633 A.D. |
版本行款 | 行字不等Vary in number of line and word |
附注项 | 推背图,唐袁天罡、李淳风所撰,知名唐朝预言书。每叶墨绘一图,绘制较工细,旁题文字说明并钤有朱色小印。 This work of “Tui Bei Tu”, a famous prophetic word in Tang Dynasty, was compiled by Yuan Tian Gang and Li Cun Feng in Tang Dynasty. Each leave consists of an elaborate illustration with prediction annotation. This work was sealed in vermeil seal remarks. |
数量 | 一册一函One volume in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 5.0MB |
总页数 | 40 |

