《无倦庵笔记wujuananbiji》(無倦菴筆記wujuananbiji)宋黄震着SongHuang Zhen-清钞本。卷首书尾均钤“荛圃”朱文方印。荛圃为清著名藏书家黄丕烈(1763-1852)之号。Qing (1644-1912 A.D.) Manuscript. There are square seals with characters “yao pu” on the first leave and last leave of each reel. “Yao pu” is nickname of Huang Pilie (1763-1852)_ a famous book collector of QingPDF


书名 《无倦庵笔记wujuananbiji》
正题名 無倦菴筆記wujuananbiji
拼音题名 Mo juan an bi ji wu juan an bi ji
作者姓名 黄震着
版本 清钞本。卷首书尾均钤“荛圃”朱文方印。荛圃为清著名藏书家黄丕烈(1763-1852)之号。Qing (1644-1912 A.D.) Manuscript. There are square seals with characters “yao pu” on the first leave and last leave of each reel. “Yao pu” is nickname of Huang Pilie (1763-1852), a famous book collector of Qing Dynasty.
版本行款 十三行廿五字Thirteen lines, twenty-five Chinese characters.
附注项 是书当摘录自《黄氏日钞》。《四库全书总目题要》卷九十二云“是编以所读诸书随笔札记,而断以己意。有仅摘切要数语者,有不摘一语而仅存标目者;有不存标目而采录一两字者。大旨排佛、老。” This book was excerpted from “huangshi richao”. In Vol.92 of “si ku quan shu zong mu ti yao”, it said that this book collected his notes and commentaries when he read books. Some sentences were used and some were not used for this book. The main aim of this book was for the opposition against the Buddhism and Taoism.
数量 二册一函Two volumes in one case.
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 14.6MB
总页数 81





