书名 | 《西园雅集图XiYuanYaJiTu》 |
正题名 | 西園雅集圖XiYuanYaJiTu |
拼音题名 | Xi yuan ya ji tu Xi Yuan Ya Ji Tu |
作者姓名 | 传〈元〉赵雍绘 |
版本 | 传元延佑七年绘本。Yuan Handscroll of Paintings of A.D.1320. |
附注项 | 西园为北宋驸马王诜燕游之所。王诜请善画人物的李公麟把自己和友人苏轼、苏辙、黄庭坚、米芾等名士画在一起,取名《西园雅集图》。主友十六人,加上侍姬、书僮,共廿二人。然其真迹今已不见传世,传世说有二本李公麟的《西园雅集图卷》俱为后人托其名而已。自南宋以来,多有摹本。赵雍是赵孟俯次子,赵孟俯绘有此图,但赵雍绘本未见著录。 Xi Yuan is the residence of Wang Shen for vocation, who is the emperor’s son-in-law in Northern Song dynasty. Wang Shen asked Li Gonglin who was skilled in portraits painting to draw a painting for him and his friends Su Shi, Su Zhe, Huang Tingjian, Mifu, etc, altogether and had it titled Xi Yuan Ya Ji Tu. It contains twenty-two figures in the painting including the host and fifteen guests together with the servants. The authentic work can not be found today. It is said that the two editions of Xi Yuan Ya Ji Tu Juan of Li Gonglin passed down till today were drawn by some others later in his name. This painting has a large number of imitations since Southern Song dynasty. Zhao Yong is the second son of Zhao Mengfu. Zhao Mengfu has also drawn a painting for the same subject, but the one drawn by Zhao Yong has never been recorded yet. |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 1.2MB |
总页数 | 14 |

