《新刊类编阴阳选择合并通书大全〈同函脊题〉XinKanLeiBianYinYangXuanZeHeBingTongShuDaQuan(Thetitleisfromthesameonthebackboneofthecase.)》(新刊類編陰陽選擇合併通書大全〈同函脊題〉XinKanLeiBianYinYangXuanZeHeBingTongShuDaQuan(Thetitleisfromthesameonthebackboneofthecase.))明魏佛本纂要;刘世杰集成MingCompiled by Wei Foben; collected by Liu Shijie-明嘉靖三十三年书林余氏自新斋刻本。Ming Woodblock Print by Zi-xin Zhai in A.D.1554.PDF


书名 《新刊类编阴阳选择合并通书大全〈同函脊题〉XinKanLeiBianYinYangXuanZeHeBingTongShuDaQuan(Thetitleisfromthesameonthebackboneofthecase.)》
正题名 新刊類編陰陽選擇合併通書大全〈同函脊題〉XinKanLeiBianYinYangXuanZeHeBingTongShuDaQuan(Thetitleisfromthesameonthebackboneofthecase.)
拼音题名 Xin kan lei bian yin yang shua ze ge bing tong shu da quan 〈tong han ji ti 〉Xin Kan Lei Bian Yin Yang Xuan Ze He Bing Tong Shu Da Quan (The title is from the same on the backbone of the case.)
作者姓名 魏佛本纂要;刘世杰集成
版本 明嘉靖三十三年书林余氏自新斋刻本。Ming Woodblock Print by Zi-xin Zhai in A.D.1554.
版本行款 十五行二十六字Fifteen lines; twenty-six words in each line
附注项 刘世杰《序》述编印原委及所涉内容云其纂辑诸书,删削补缀,集而一之,名曰《合并通书》。此书包罗万象,即近代之黄历,是为研究明人生活习俗重要史料。 The preface written by Liu Shijie records the background for composing and printing this book as well as the contents covered herein. It is said that the author collected several of classic works and had them compiled into the book titled He Bing Tong Shu by means of making amendment or omission. The book covers mostly anything and is equivalent to the almanac in modern times. This is the significant historical material for the research on the life style and customs in Ming dynasty.
数量 十册一函Ten books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 120.0MB
总页数 644





