《新刊唐诗鼓吹批注大全XinKanTangShiGuChuiZhuJieDaQuan》(新刊唐詩鼓吹註解大全XinKanTangShiGuChuiZhuJieDaQuan)明廖文炳批注MingAnnotated by Liao Wenbing-明万历二十年书林郑氏云斋刻本。Ming Woodblock Print by Cheng’s Yun Jai at Shu Lin in A.D.1592.PDF


书名 《新刊唐诗鼓吹批注大全XinKanTangShiGuChuiZhuJieDaQuan》
正题名 新刊唐詩鼓吹註解大全XinKanTangShiGuChuiZhuJieDaQuan
拼音题名 Xin kan tang shi gu chui zhu jie da quan Xin Kan Tang Shi Gu Chui Zhu Jie Da Quan
作者姓名 廖文炳批注
版本 明万历二十年书林郑氏云斋刻本。Ming Woodblock Print by Cheng’s Yun Jai at Shu Lin in A.D.1592.
版本行款 九行二十字Nine lines; twenty words in each line
附注项 卷末刻碑形莲座《牌记》,题“万历壬辰年(二十年,1592年)”。末叶版画一幅,以上、下、左、右分置琴、棋、书、画四个场景,甚有意味,左上角刻有“忠怌六”三字,或为版画刻工名。 There is a tablet at the end of this book with the inscription of date of A.D.1592. A painting was printed on the last page of an engraved plate, which was divided into four parts (top/bottom/left/right), illustrating the scenarios of lute-playing, chess, calligraphy and painting respectively. It was inscribed of three characters “zhung, bei, liu” on the top left corner which probably is the name of the carver of the painting.
数量 八册一函Eight books in one case
现藏位置 美国国会图书馆
现藏位置国家 美国
文件大小 92.4MB
总页数 430





