印度建筑景观004-瓜廖尔堡Teli Ka Mandir([Photo.13/(004)] Teli-Ka-Mandir, Gwalior Fort)高清TIF大图片


图名 印度建筑景观004-瓜廖尔堡Teli Ka Mandir
原名 [Photo.13/(004)] Teli-Ka-Mandir, Gwalior Fort
分类 印度建筑景观
文件大小(tif) 13.82MB
图片像素 1881×2449
图片DPI 600×600
图片尺寸(CM) 7.96×10.36
下载方式 百度网盘链接
图片格式 TIF+JPG
来源 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会


General view of the temple in the process of restoration, with sculptures displayed on plinths in the foreground. Reproduced as plate 40 in Sir Lepel Griffin, ‘Famous Monuments of Central India’ (London, [1886]): ‘Up to 1879 the Teli Mandir remained in a shameful state of neglect. It was covered from summit to basement with chuna and whitewash, the former being in the form of hard concrete with which the Muhammadans had bespattered it. To the circumstances of their adapting it for utilitarian purposes we owe perhaps its existence at the present day. Until I remonstrated, it was utilized by ourselves as a coffee-shop for the fort garrison … Through the kind intervention of Colonel Hawkins … the coffee shop was vacated, and since then I have been engaged in cleaning it and superintending several repairs made under the direction of Major Crowdy. It has been thoroughly cleaned inside and outside up to the horizontal bands. Around the building has been prepared, through the instrumentality of prison labour, an archaeological museum, and an attempt has been made to repair the vandalism of previous years. When the repairs to the cornice and porch are completed, a very remarkable building will have been rescued.’ (pp. 68-9).


修复过程中的寺庙全景,前景是基座上的雕塑。在Lepel Griffin爵士的《印度中部著名古迹》(伦敦,[1886])中转载为40号板块:“直到1879年,Teli Mandir仍处于被忽视的可耻状态。从山顶到地下室,它都被chuna和粉刷覆盖着,前者是穆罕默德用坚硬的混凝土覆盖的。由于他们将其用于实用目的的情况,我们也许应该感谢它在今天的存在。在我提出抗议之前,它被我们自己用作要塞驻军的咖啡馆……在霍金斯上校的善意干预下……咖啡馆被腾空了,从那以后,我一直在清理它,并在克劳德少校的指导下监督几次维修。它已经彻底清洁了内部和外部,直到水平带。通过监狱劳工的手段,在大楼周围准备了一个考古博物馆,并试图修复前几年的破坏行为。当檐口和门廊的维修完成时,一座非常了不起的建筑将被拯救出来。”(第68-9页)。



