中国老照片001-台风过后([Photo.22/(001)] Aftermath Of A Typhoon)高清TIF大图片


图名 中国老照片001-台风过后
原名 [Photo.22/(001)] Aftermath Of A Typhoon
分类 中国老照片(含香港)
文件大小(tif) 44.44MB
图片像素 4445×3332
图片DPI 600×600
图片尺寸(CM) 18.81×14.1
下载方式 百度网盘链接
图片格式 TIF+JPG
来源 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会


View looking along the Hong Kong waterfront after the typhoon of 1874, with wrecked vessels in the foreground near the destroyed wharf. Pencilled note on the reverse reads: ‘Close inshore with stern under water is the Spanish steamer ‘Albay’, a little beyond all submerged is the ‘Leonor’, another Spaniard. The capt, and officers of the ‘Leonor’ were lost. The ‘Albay’ had only arrived from Manilla a few hours before she was lost. Both these steamers were afterwards raised and refitted.’ -1874. Hong Kong Typhoon.





