书名 | 《新刻皇明经世要畧XinKeHuangMingJingShiYaoLue》 |
正题名 | 新刻皇明經世要畧XinKeHuangMingJingShiYaoLue |
拼音题名 | Xin ke huang ming jing shi yao lve Xin Ke Huang Ming Jing Shi Yao Lue |
作者姓名 | 黄仁溥辑着 |
版本 | 明万历四十至四十二年刻本。Ming Woodblock Print in the period from A.D.1612 to A.D.1614. |
版本行款 | 十行二十二字Ten lines; twenty-two words in each line. |
附注项 | 据万历四十二年黄仁溥《识语》可知此书分两次刻成,第一次刻卷一至卷三,始于万历三十八年,成于四十年;第二次刻卷五、六,成于万历四十二年。是书除作者自撰诸篇外,汇选明代张位、许国、李廷机等数十人有关边防论考、图说、策议等文章,并绘地图于诸论之先。 It is said in the introduction written by Huang Renpu in A.D.1614 that this book was carved in two phrases: Vol.1 to Vol.3 were carved first from A.D.1610 to A.D.1612; Vol.5 and Vol.6 were carved successively in A.D.1614. In addition to the articles written by the author personally, this book also collects many articles written by dozens of scholars in Ming dynasty such as Zhang Wei, Xu Guo, Li Tingji, etc. containing their researches, illustrations and criticisms in respect of frontier defense with the maps placed before each article. |
数量 | 六册一函Six books in one case |
现藏位置 | 美国国会图书馆 |
现藏位置国家 | 美国 |
文件大小 | 76.2MB |
总页数 | 446 |

