南亚风光照片025-男女军人小组([Photo.31/(025)] Group Of Male And Female Military Personnel)高清TIF大图片


图名 南亚风光照片025-男女军人小组
原名 [Photo.31/(025)] Group Of Male And Female Military Personnel
分类 南亚风光照片
文件大小(tif) 12.89MB
图片像素 2560×1678
图片DPI 600×600
图片尺寸(CM) 10.83×7.1
下载方式 百度网盘链接
图片格式 TIF+JPG
来源 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会


Informal group of male and female military personnel. Caption note: “Some have sworn to grow their hair long until the country wins independence.” Ca. 1946. Netherlands East Indies Information Service.





