图名 | 阿玛拉瓦蒂照片005-阿马拉瓦蒂(第36号 |
原名 | [Photo.34/(005)] Amaravati (No. 36) |
分类 | 阿玛拉瓦蒂照片 |
文件大小(tif) | 6.43MB |
图片像素 | 1489×1440 |
图片DPI | 600×600 |
图片尺寸(CM) | 6.3×6.09 |
下载方式 | 百度网盘链接 |
图片格式 | TIF+JPG |
来源 | 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会 |
Excavated portion of bas-relief panel showing lion attacking a man with a tape measure laid across the piece to indicate scale. The reference number allocated to the piece refers to Robert Sewell’s ‘Report on the Amaravati Tope, and Excavations on its site in 1877’ (London, 1880) in which the piece is described.
‘No. 36. (3 ft. 3 in.) long by 1 ft. 11 in.) This is a thin slab lying flat, its surface forming a flooring level with the surface of Nos. 34 and 35. Upper surface plain and unornamented. I did not have this raised until some other stones had been excavated, examined and numbered. When it was raised it was found that another stone of smaller size had been placed underneath it, the two together being about the thickness of No. 34. I looked upon this as almost conclusive that these stones were carefully placed in their present position for some purpose, smooth surfaces uppermost, and that they are not found as they fell from their true position on the structure. This No. 36, whose sculptured side was underneath as it lay, is one of the series forming an animal frieze which Mr Fergusson assigns to the foot of the external face of the outer rail, F., XVII. This may be a correct conjecture, but my marble No. 45 should be examined in connexion with these, as the slab, though bearing a similar design, is rounded at the top like all the coping stones of the rail. No. 46 has a winged line apparently ambling along. (In the specimens in the British Museum he is gallopping or trotting.) An attendant, dressed just like a horsekeeper of the present day, in short drawers and cloth with the ends flying out behind, holds him by the ear. He has a curved weapon in his left hand. Above this is a broad conventional flower-band with a gana. Below is a stiff band of rather ugly diamond-shaped ornaments. I have a photograph of it for reference.’
Robert Sewell
‘Report on the Amaravati Tope, and excavations on its site in 1877’ (London, 1880, p. 44)
Faded print. Original negative not held. Part of a collection of twenty albumen prints mounted on card, with captions written in ink beneath the prints and all signed ‘R. Sewell’.
浅浮雕面板的挖掘部分,显示狮子用卷尺袭击一名男子,卷尺放在这块石头上以指示规模。分配给这件作品的参考号是指罗伯特·塞维尔(Robert Sewell)的《1877年阿马拉瓦蒂巨石及其遗址发掘报告》(伦敦,1880年),其中描述了这件作品36号。(3英尺3英寸)长乘1英尺11英寸)这是一块平放的薄板,其表面与34号和35号表面形成地板水平。上表面平坦且无装饰。直到其他一些石头被挖掘、检查和编号后,我才提出这个问题。当它被举起时,发现另一块较小的石头被放在它下面,两块石头的厚度大约是34号。我认为这几乎可以得出结论,这些石头是出于某种目的被小心地放置在现在的位置的,表面光滑,当它们从结构上的真实位置掉下来时,它们就没有被发现。这件36号作品的雕刻侧面位于其下方,是Fergusson先生指定用于外轨F.,XVII外表面底部的动物饰带系列之一。这可能是一个正确的猜测,但我的45号大理石应该结合这些来检查,因为这块石板虽然有类似的设计,但顶部是圆形的,就像铁轨的所有顶石一样。46号有一条带翅膀的线,显然在漫步。(在大英博物馆的标本中,他正在疾驰或小跑。)一位服务员,穿着像当今的骑手一样,穿着短抽屉和布料,末端向后飞,抓住他的耳朵。他左手拿着一把弯曲的武器。上面是一个宽阔的传统花环,上面有一个加纳。下面是一条相当难看的钻石形状的硬带。我有一张它的照片作为参考。”罗伯特·塞维尔(Robert Sewell)的《阿马拉瓦蒂上衣及其1877年遗址发掘报告》(伦敦,1880年,第44页)印刷褪色。原始底片未保存。卡片上挂着二十张蛋白印刷品的一部分,印刷品下方用墨水写着标题,所有签名都是“R”。塞维尔。