阿玛拉瓦蒂照片006-阿马拉瓦蒂(第46号([Photo.34/(006)] Amaravati (No. 46))高清TIF大图片


图名 阿玛拉瓦蒂照片006-阿马拉瓦蒂(第46号
原名 [Photo.34/(006)] Amaravati (No. 46)
分类 阿玛拉瓦蒂照片
文件大小(tif) 6.08MB
图片像素 1788×1134
图片DPI 600×600
图片尺寸(CM) 7.56×4.8
下载方式 百度网盘链接
图片格式 TIF+JPG
来源 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会


Photograph of an excavated sculpture panel [empty throne at centre]. Photograph formed from two joined prints. The reference number allocated to the piece refers to Robert Sewell’s ‘Report on the Amaravati Tope, and Excavations on its site in 1877’ (London, 1880) in which the piece is described.

‘No. 46 is a very handsome slab in good preservation. As before mentioned, it was found lying with its end resting on No. 42, about a foot of earth intervening. No. 46 (8 ft. 9 in. long by 2 ft. 8 in. high.) (Inner face photographed). Coping stone of the Outer Rail in excellent preservation. [Here follows a lengthy description of the piece].’

Robert Sewell
‘Report on the Amaravati Tope, and excavations on its site in 1877’ (London, 1880, p. 46.)

Original negatives not held. Part of a collection of twenty albumen prints mounted on card, with captions written in ink beneath the prints and all signed ‘R. Sewell’.


挖掘出的雕塑面板照片[中间是空宝座]。由两张相连的照片组成的照片。分配给这件作品的参考号是指罗伯特·塞维尔(Robert Sewell)的《1877年阿马拉瓦蒂巨石及其遗址发掘报告》(伦敦,1880年),其中描述了这件作品46号是一块保存完好的漂亮石板。如前所述,它被发现躺在42号上,中间有大约一英尺的泥土。46号(长8英尺9英寸,高2英尺8英寸)(内表面拍摄)。外轨压顶石保存完好。[以下是对该作品的详细描述]罗伯特·塞维尔(Robert Sewell)的《阿马拉瓦蒂圆顶报告及其1877年的发掘》(伦敦,1880年,第46页)。原始底片未保存。卡片上挂着二十张蛋白印刷品的一部分,印刷品下方用墨水写着标题,所有签名都是“R”。塞维尔。



