阿玛拉瓦蒂照片013-阿马拉瓦蒂(编号70、71、72([Photo.34/(013)] Amaravati (Nos. 70, 71, 72))高清TIF大图片


图名 阿玛拉瓦蒂照片013-阿马拉瓦蒂(编号70、71、72
原名 [Photo.34/(013)] Amaravati (Nos. 70, 71, 72)
分类 阿玛拉瓦蒂照片
文件大小(tif) 6.2MB
图片像素 1189×1740
图片DPI 600×600
图片尺寸(CM) 5.03×7.36
下载方式 百度网盘链接
图片格式 TIF+JPG
来源 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会


Photograph of three excavated sculptural fragments. The reference numbers allocated to the pieces refer to Robert Sewell’s ‘Report on the Amaravati Tope, and Excavations on its site in 1877’ (London, 1880) in which the pieces are described.

‘Three marbles easy to remove I carried away and placed mongst those at the mound, afterwards conveying them to the Bezwada Museum where they now lie. These I numbered 70, 71, 72, and had them photographed. ‘No. 70 (2 ft. 2 in. by 1 ft. 1 in.) This is a beautiful and well-preserved fargment from one of the dagobas of the Inner Enclosure. The figures, standing out with all the clear relief of ivory carvings, are only about 3 inches high. In the upper portion is an enthroned Buddha, with disciples. No. 71 is one of the Inner Enclosure pillars, 5 ft. high by 1 ft. 1 in. broad. It represents the chakra (‘Dharma-chakra,’ or ‘wheel of the Law’; query, sun-emblem?) supported on a pillar, with figures and horses in excited attitudes rising from it on either side. (F. LXXV.) ‘No. 72 ( 1 ft. 10 in. by 7 in.) is another similar fragment, but smaller. It is the top of a small pillar of the same design.’

Robert Sewell
‘Report on the Amaravati Tope, and excavations on its site in 1877’ (London, 1880, p. 51)

Faded ptint. Original negative not held. Part of a collection of twenty albumen prints mounted on card, with captions written in ink beneath the prints and all signed ‘R. Sewell’.


三个挖掘出的雕塑碎片的照片。分配给这些碎片的参考号是指罗伯特·塞维尔的《1877年阿马拉瓦蒂巨石及其遗址发掘报告》(伦敦,1880年),其中描述了这些碎片我拿走了三颗易于移除的弹珠,把其中的一颗放在土墩上,然后把它们送到贝兹瓦达博物馆,现在它们就躺在那里。这些我编号为70,71,72,并让他们拍照70号(2英尺2英寸乘1英尺1英寸)这是一块美丽而保存完好的内围石塔。这些雕像以象牙雕刻的清晰浮雕而引人注目,只有大约3英寸高。上半部分是一尊坐着的佛像,里面有弟子。71号是内围柱之一,高5英尺,宽1英尺1英寸。它代表支撑在柱子上的脉轮(“Pharma-chakra”,或“法律之轮”;询问,太阳徽章?),两边都有兴奋的人物和马匹。(F.LXXV.)。72(1英尺10英寸乘7英寸)是另一个类似的碎片,但更小。它是同一设计的小柱子的顶部。”罗伯特·塞维尔(Robert Sewell)的《阿马拉瓦蒂圆顶报告及其1877年遗址发掘》(伦敦,1880年,第51页)。未持有原始底片。卡片上挂着二十张蛋白印刷品的一部分,印刷品下方用墨水写着标题,所有签名都是“R”。塞维尔。



