图名 | 阿玛拉瓦蒂照片015-阿马拉瓦蒂。1877年从圆环南侧拍摄的挖掘概况 |
原名 | [Photo.34/(015)] Amaravati. General View Of Excavations, 1877, Taken From The Southern Side Of The Circle |
分类 | 阿玛拉瓦蒂照片 |
文件大小(tif) | 6.02MB |
图片像素 | 1905×1054 |
图片DPI | 600×600 |
图片尺寸(CM) | 8.06×4.46 |
下载方式 | 百度网盘链接 |
图片格式 | TIF+JPG |
来源 | 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会 |
Panoramic view composed of two joined prints, looking across the site, with diggers posed for the photographer.
The print is in very poor condition, in two pieces (torn in half down centre) and considerably faded. Original negative not held. Part of a collection of twenty albumen prints mounted on card, with captions written in ink beneath the prints and all signed ‘R. Sewell’.
