锡金和西藏老照片004-弗莱明麦肯齐和锡克教徒有序([Photo.86/2(004)] Fleming Mackenzie And A Sikh Orderly)高清TIF大图片下载


图名 锡金和西藏老照片004-弗莱明麦肯齐和锡克教徒有序
原名 [Photo.86/2(004)] Fleming Mackenzie And A Sikh Orderly
分类 锡金和西藏老照片
文件大小(tif) 7.0MB
图片像素 1954×1194
图片DPI 600×600
图片尺寸(CM) 8.27×5.05
下载方式 百度网盘链接
图片格式 TIF+JPG
来源 英国及爱尔兰皇家亚洲学会


A photograph of Fleming Mackenzie and a Sikh orderly at the top of the Tang La, watershed of the Greater Himalayas at 15, 200 ft, looking towards Kenchen Junga, with the mountains of Phari Lung in the distance.

Part of a collection of 81 loose black and white photographs taken while Fleming Mackenzie was serving in Tibet in 1938-1939. From the Collections of Lieut.-Col. Fleming Mackenzie, donated by his daughter Mrs Ann O’Neill in 2022.


Fleming Mackenzie和一名锡克教徒有序地站在海拔15200英尺的大喜马拉雅山脉分水岭唐拉山顶,面向Kenchen Junga,远处是Phari Lung山脉。这是Fleming Mackenzie于1938年至1939年在西藏服役时拍摄的81张黑白照片的一部分。Fleming Mackenzie中校收藏,由他的女儿Ann O’Neill夫人于2022年捐赠。



