附注项 |
按此云是书乾隆五十四年首刻于吴门。《凡例》云是书乃纂辑圣谕帝训,儒、释、道三教心传妙法,以成一籍。将圣谕居首,次及《太上感应篇》、《清静经》,次及文帝、关帝诸训。此外以及理学明贤训言,则随文叙列,或因事错举,其时代后先,并不墨拘。 It is said that this book was first carved and printed at Wumen in A.D.1789. The explanatory notes indicate that this book is the collection of imperial decrees, instructions of Gods and doctrines of Confucianism, Buddism and Taoism. The book is compiled in this order: imperial decrees, Tai Shang Gan Ying Pian, Qing Jing Jing, instructions of Confucius and Guan God. In addition, there are many sayings of some celebrated scholars in the field of neo-confucianism attached herein or quoted at random for different subjects, which were not compiled in chronological order. |